MovieChat Forums > Interview with the Vampire (2022) Discussion > What would Anne Rice think of the show?

What would Anne Rice think of the show?

I know Anne and Christopher Rice are listed as executive producers of the show. However, how much of a say did they have on the tv script and casting? Would she like the way it has turned out?


Yes, I am sure this version is better than the one from the 90s


Anne Rice would despise AMC's Encounter with a Turdpile. That's why they waited until she was no longer with us to release their warped 'adaptation' of her iconic book.


Anne Rice HATED casting Tom Cruise as Lestat, and I agree with her. There is no reason to believe this project will be any better. Just more bloated ‘cause, you know—episodes stuffed with filler.


She hated it until she saw his performance, at which point she recanted her disapproval.


She would love it!! I was hesitant to watch at first, but they have done a great job. The longer format allows time to develop the characters and story. It has much more emotional intensity than the book or the movie had.
