MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > This being the new Halloween II...

This being the new Halloween II...

they should follow it up with the new Halloween III!


I would love a new (unrelated to Myers) Halloween movie for the third film. But unlike the original Halloween 3 I want it to be good.



Halloween III has built up a pretty serious kvlt following in the intervening years, and I have to imagine a lot of people revisited it with this new installment landing. Could there be enough of an audience that an unrelated anthology installment might be attempted again? Based on how by the numbers this one was, not likely but the potential there is so great! Dear Hollywood, please try it. You fools!


I agree it is very unlikely. It would be amazing if they could just put a cap on Myers' for now and tackle something loosely connected. If they keep going with Myers' they will end up explaining his motives and travel down the path of the original series or they will be making the same film over and over again.

They might of had a good idea for the remake; but the very fact that they are making a remake instead of a new film suggests they don't have a lot of new ideas.

Halloween 3 might have a cult following but that doesn't mean it is a great horror film. I like a lot of bad horror films, but I would never suggest making a bad horror film.


I agree Halloween III is not a great film, but it is bizarre, one of the weirdest decisions in movie franchise history, nicely atmospheric, and I do enjoy it, as well as many mediocre and bad horror films of history.

I think there is a ton of potential to delve further into the outer Halloween universe suggested by H3 and make something actually original and great! It could be way better than H3. There is definitely also an audience for bad horror films, though what about the concept of taking a deliberately semi-wtf is this / kind of bad / less-mainstream appeal spooky flick concept, but to execute it on a high level? Could be something. I think we are almost at the point where studios are recognizing that the current wave of 80s nostalgia entails a certain appreciation for some of the quirkier and more bizarrely flawed annals of horror history.


I think basically studio execs need to start doing coke again. I want more unfathomable decision making in my movies.


MHOCA [spoiler]Make Hollywood On Coke Again[/spoiler]


I adore H3! In my top ten of favorite movies off all time!

What's not to like,really: Tom ( badass ) Atkins, Druids, Stone Henge, creepy masks, and best of all - The BIG GIVE AWAY!!!


probably gonna happen. box office made sooo much money !


Getting out the obligatory “it made a shitload of money so they’re gonna milk it as much as they can” out of the way, I’ll happily welcome a third film. They can easily end it with this one and I think that would be perfect. But since we know that isn’t how franchises work (specifically horror franchises), you can definitely expect a third film. Possibly a bunch more.

And unlike all the whiners here (be it those that gave this film a fair chance or those who were hating on it before it was released), I am not against future films. If future installments can be anywhere near as well-made and intense as Halloween 2018, then keep ‘em coming! One more would be good enough though.

But I tell ya, seeing Michael Myers on the big screen again (a proper Michael) and as vicious as ever was awesome. And major props to badass JLC.


I'm sure they'd be bringing MM back in a sequel, but I mean I wish they'd follow this up with a "new Halloween III: Season of the Witch"! ie, a new attempt at an unrelated anthology installment. 👍


Lol, I knew that’s what you meant. I’d prefer the next one to be a direct sequel to this new film myself. It’s much more likely.

However, a modern “Season of the Witch” movie/series would be interesting. Was never crazy about the original.


I think it could even be possible to semi-connect the MM universe with the Silver Shamrock universe. You would need to assemble minds much more clever and imaginative than those involved on this installment imo to make that awesome though.


But it's just called Halloween so do call the next one Halloween 2 or do you call it Halloween 3


It's called "Halloween III: Season of the Witch (2021)", and it's completely unrelated to anything. 👍
