Freddy's Nightmares

I vaguely remember watching two episodes of that show once as a little kid. If they released all the episodes in a boxed set, I would buy it, it's a little piece of history.

"I've flown this route before."
"When was that?"


I saw a couple of episode on youtube , It's a bit boring...


the show is indeed craptacular...its terrible and cheesy in all the wrong ways.

BUT.....if you're a big Nightmare fan, its definately something worth owning. i bought a fan set online but i'd definately buy an official release too.


I only saw the first episode, that was enough for me.

You're just a bastard from a basket.


I had the first series on DVD.

Only watched it once. I was like 'wtf'.

"Sleep. Those little slices of death. How I loathe them".


The problem with it is that beside one or two episodes there are very little Freddy in it.In the show , Freddy is like the Crypt Keeper from "Tales from the Crypt" but the story and directing is far inferior.



I also recall them saying that Englund shot all his intros/outros in just a couple of days. Nice easy paydays.


The problem with it is that beside one or two episodes there are very little Freddy in it.In the show

Which is a good thing as Freddy at this point was crap anyway.

FN is a great show, if you want more than just Freddy.
There were some VERY clever stories and writing. The dual layered storytelling was unique and worked well.

For me, it was Freddy's interuptions that ruined the show, it would have done much better if it cut all connections with the Nightmare franchise and was just sold as a creepy anthology show.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I actually thought that the show was rather decent. I've seen many of its episodes on the Chiller Channel and YouTube, and they're okay.

I wish this documentary sorta mentioned it a little more.


If you can accept that it's not great TV and check your arrogance at the door, then Freddy's Nightmares isn't that bad to watch. It has its moments. The first season was especially creepy and abstract.

Coming in November!


I watched a few episodes when it was originally on, though I was a little kid so I only remember a couple.

I saw the one with Lori Petty as a high school runner. They reference it and show a clip in the doc. At the time I thought it was pretty cool, but I was only 10 or 11 and don't know that I'd agree with that now. Probably hasn't held up as well as I remember it haha.

I remember bits of another one involving sorority girls- there was one that was being hazed or ganged-up on by the rest and at the end she kills them. One of them was Diana Barrows from F13 part 7; she gets killed while eating (and after killing her the girl says something like "eat it, bitch"). Another girl got strangled by her pearls. Even then it seemed cheesy, but it was still fun.

