MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > Call me old fashion but I would have pre...

Call me old fashion but I would have preferred a Rom Com

I liked this movie but honestly I would have preferred this would have been a rom com, you know instead of America aférrela and her daughter saving Barbie, it would be Ken who comes to help her since then they spend more time in real world and decide they did love each other.

It would have made much more sense that way for Barbie to stay in human world but staying with Ken.

That idea if Ken going with her to the real world could have worked for them to know each other better and really fall in love.

I wanted to so bad an old fashion romantic comedy.


Why bother telling a story when you can preach at people for an hour and a half?


excuse me... It was 2 hours. I suffered through every fucking second of it, so don't lessen what I was forced to endure






At least we finally see how twisted and messed up Greta Gerwig and her hens in Hollyweird truly are. It's an interesting psychological study as to why they shouldn't be making movies these days.


You want to see a movie where Ken and Barbie actually like (or even love) each other. You make me sick.


I understand that, but that's not really who Barbie is.
