MovieChat Forums > A Star Is Born (2018) Discussion > Was Bradley Cooper's voice...a bit "dist...

Was Bradley Cooper's voice...a bit "distracting" for you?

I really liked the movie. But I couldn't help but feel that contrived voice he was affecting was....distracting. The story would have still worked just fine without the gruff voice. It kept seeming a bit forced to me.


If you paid attention, you'd know this was a character point.


Yes I get that. And yes, I paid attention. But he could have been a burned-out alcoholic and chain-smoker with tinnitus and still used his regular voice. Pushing his voice THAT much made him sound like Billybob Thorton in Slingblade....and it was just....too much. It was distracting. Still a great movie, though.


It wasn't the alcoholism and chain smoking that led to that voice, it was from him copying his brother. I thought he did a great job with it anyway. DIdn't bother me a bit.


Not sure i would say copying, so much as that perhaps his family had that very particular way of speaking.


"You stole my voice" was literally a line in the movie.


Well if you've got a family that speaks a certain way, and the younger more handsome brother, who speaks an awful lot like you, pops up and becomes famous, well you can't market two people with the same distinct voice?

It could also be metaphorical to, since he stopped chasing gigs to play dad to Jackson.


I like the way you talk.


No, it didn’t bother or distract me.


I thought that if English wasn’t my first language I would have been screwed watching this.


I thought that his voice worked perfectly with the film.


He should have affected that high falsetto that male pop singers all do today.
