MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Morgan Appreciation Thread

Morgan Appreciation Thread

Its time to honor more of my faorite characters in this show. Next will be Morgan. He comes next to Carol in my personal rank list. He creates controversity but I never understood why people dont like him? He was always some sort of an hero. A lonely wolf- almost monk-like. He is one of the longest characters to be around and had some of the most crucial character developments. Last episode was so good because we saw a lot of him and excellent acting. His backflashes - holding back until then by the sole "no killing" philosophy came back in an instant, when someone he loved was killed. Its very clear now that he needed the strong meditation and philosophy to control his psychosis. I feel very bad for hiim and wonder what happens now. I hope he will gain back his emotional strength and wit and show more of the secret hero inside of him.


The guy just broke his 'no kill' policy -hard to call it a serious bow, all things considered- because of hatred and thirst for revenge, but was hell-bent on hanging onto his high horse back when his disposition and ability to kill would've saved actual, innocent -or innocent-ish- lives in previous occasions. Sorry, but I can't feel a single iota of sympathy for the self-righteous scumbag.

Oh, and also, his murderous revenge fit ended with one of the best -and best acted- original, non-comic book series characters the TV show has offered us in many seasons, so excuse me if I don't share your opinion about the episode being so good, to be honest.


Ugh... Morgan just annoys me these days, his character was better in Season 1.

That said, did we ever find out how Duane (his son) died? Something about this recent episode tells me that Morgan probably killed him--before he turned.


Never thought of that.

His breakdown seems a bit out of the blue but his no kill policy makes sense if he killed his own kid. Maybe that's what the wrist cutting scene was about. A kind of suicide pact that he backed out of maybe?


"That said, did we ever find out how Duane (his son) died?"

Yes, Duane's mother bit him so Morgan had to finish him off.


I never liked Morgan, but I do like his "kill" attitude better than the pacifist bit.


" He was always some sort of an hero. A lonely wolf- almost monk-like. He is one of the longest characters to be around and had some of the most crucial character developments. "

This is how I've seen Morgan, and IMO, every hero, or someone deep down in their heart who is good will have a crisis of consious at one time or another..or several. It's that battle within which creates the breakdown like Morgan had after killing Richard.
