MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Season Finale - could you predict anythi...

Season Finale - could you predict anything?

...other than no main character died?

My predictions all failed again. One thing why I love this show.

Highlights: Shiva ex machina, kingdoms "battle of five armies" style, Maggie speech to Sasha, Sasha


No main character died? What do you call Sasha?
What I don't get is....what does she accomplish by offing herself? That was pointless.


Well, first of all Sasha managed to buy them some time by creating a diversion. If she hadn't then Hilltop and the Kingdom would've arrived too late to help.
But aside from the technical part of it all in creating a diversion;...Negan really wasn't planning to kill Sasha anyway..he was just using her for bait to get them to lay down their guns. He would've, true to form, killed someone else. Maybe even made her chose ...going by their previous conversation.

There was no way she was going to go along with Negan's plan and go over to his side and help him in any way against Rick and the others.. If she had been alive it would've definitely worked against them..She would rather die first.

Eugene's another story..How they're ever going to redeem Eugene is beyond any way I see possible. But I think they'll try.


Sasha's plan was flawed. Chances wouldn't have been much of a diversion. Fortunately, it was...(a SMALL one). But really, it should have been pretty easy for Negan to realize she was dead...and easy to manage it. I think ultimately her (flawed) plan had more to do with being in a new series, so they had to writer her out. Sasha the character would have found a different way to be more useful. Heck...TACKLING Negan would have been a better strategy than simply hoping the opening of the coffin would have resulted in her zombie persona springing out and attacking Negan, causing him to drop off the truck bed.

As far as Eugene (and his redemption) goes....he hasn't done anything UN-redeemable yet, so anything is possible. If he had been personally responsible for the death of one of Rick's group, he'd be at a point of no return. But right now....he's simply in a position on the inside of Negan's group that sets his character up nicely to do something super cool (and redeeming) down the road.


Of course it was flawed..but in the position she was in with Negan she didn't have a lot of alternatives that didn't include her being used as a ploy against Rick and the others. I think that Rick would've ended up laying down all their guns too soon for her..
Maybe she would've tried to fight him or tackle him or something if she wasn't on Star Trek...but that wouldn't have worked out necessarily any better. I don't see how she could've lived through that either.
Same ending with her dead.. unless they strained credibility yet again.
She was probably hoping that the element of surprise might just end up with a bitten Negan..Unlikely but possible.


Eugene is beyond redemption it seems, in the TV show.

Spoilers for the comics about Eugene:

He is very much a good guy, and becomes head of the munition factory.


I think she knew she was going to be used as a way to make Rick stand down if needed. Probably would have crushed her head in no matter what happened. She wasn't going out like that. Plus maybe she thought they might have needed a diversion which ended up happening of course.


Well, Sasha died. She's a main character.

I loved everything about the finale! It was a great episode, and I esp loved seeing Shiva come out of nowhere and eat that Savior's face!! That was the best!! Oh, and Carl immediately springing into action when ZombieSasha rolled out of the coffin . . . . was AWESOME!! Carl is a little badass! Love him.


Right! Carl is kind of an un-sung hero in the episode....(even if ultimately it failed). It was a great instinct of his--to take that moment as an opportunity to turn on his captors. Having the Scavengers (and Dwight) double-cross Rick was a GREAT oh-"blank" moment. This show continues to be awesome. I just hate having to wait until OCTOBER to see what happens next!


I'm wondering why you think Dwight turned on Rick? What did he do that gave you that impression, other than not blowing his cover?

Also, the carved army man found by Daryl near the end of the episode said "Didn't know", indicating that he did not betray them (that army man figure was originally Dwight's).


But didn't Dwight take up arms against Rick's group during the battle?
I'll have to re-watch now...but I thought that's what I saw. Could be wrong.

Thanks for the insight on the message (on the carved army man). I was wondering what that was about.


I'm not sure about Dwight betraying them. I thought he was the one who wrote "Didn't Know" on the soldier statue. I hate Dwight though so I wouldn't be surprised if he did betray them.

I couldn't agree more about Carl! He immediately seized on the opportunity and started the gun fight, taking out at least four of the Garbage People!! Go, Carl!!

I also loved Rick telling Negan that he will kill him! That was another great moment!


To me Sasha is no main character. Main characters are the 7 left from the first three seasons.


I predicted nothing tonight. I thought the "Mad Max" junkyard woman and her crew could be trusted. Guess not. Really thought they were sticking to the comics with Dwight turning on Negan - NOT....the best parts were Sasha falling on Negan and the Tiger "photo bombing"into the scene.

Not sure where this goes next. Negan's got the troops. Rick and crew need to get SMART now. Can't go up against Negan force on force....not gonna work.

How about a couple of tractor trailers full of walkers, and some sort of diversion/trickery to get them into the Sanctuary, or, get Negan and his troops hemmed in somewhere....


I saw the Mad Max garbage woman turn coming because I would never have trust her to begin with. I never understood how Rick trusted them so easily after he heard how she is just talking about "deals, looting, stealing, getting weapons". Even in the beginning of this episode I said to myself that I would never let them in, give them all these weapons and trust. Would rather have them fighting on an outpost or something. Still I didnt see the Negan deal coming.


You are the second person in this thread saying that Dwight did not turn on Negan, why do you think that? Did I miss Dwight killing Alexandrians or something?

The carved army man that Daryl Found at the end of the episode seems to indicate that Dwight didn't know that the junkyard people were going to double-cross Rick.


Where did I say that? I meant the garbage betrayal. Dwight is obviously on Ricks side now.


I was replying to USAFMXOfficer_2015.


Ah okay, sorry! :)


Maybe I am a total coward here. But I think it might make sense for the Alexandrians to just pull up stakes and get the hell out of there while they are all still alive. I wouldn't risk another battle where one of them might get killed.


Then you're not the only coward, Jennie. I'd thought the same thing. Get out while they can and make a start somewhere else. Look at the Oceanside. They seemed to be doing alright after they traveled far enough away from Negan & the Saviors (after all their men were killed). Oh, wait, Rick's group (Tara) found them, and we all know what happens when Rick & his group try to save the world.

Maybe if all the Other groups drove Rick & his group out then there'd be peace in the valley. As long as there's Rick, ain't nuthin gonna go right.


I agree - it's time to leave


Dear Sasha's with Abraham now.... in a worse place than they were when they were alive.


Volley--I doubt that.
Both characters were all about sacrificing themselves to save others. Heck, that was one of the main themes of the episode, and a philosophy they clearly shared. If you're looking at their story through a religious prism, I'd say they are both in a "better place" at this point.


I had a feeling the trash people were going to end up betraying Rick and co and go back on their deal.


"could you predict anything?"

Ugh.. yeah. Like, everything except the betrayal. It was so obvious Sasha was gonna kill herself though, did they really want that to be a 'whoa' moment, like wtf.


I don't think it was meant to shock us. They clearly showed Sasha taking the pill Eugene gave her, prior to the scene where Negan opened the coffin. It was no surprise she offed herself.


I predicted a big build up with a lack luster finale. What I saw was a big build up with an attempt to a luster finale.
