So where's Heath at?

I don't remember him dying, where the hell is he?


I was going to ask the same thing.
What happened to Heath?


He moved to Compton and started a rap group called NWO.


He found there was actual civilization and then joined the special forces for America and is now helping the CTU in finding some terrorists. I'm not sure he sent help yet for the rest of the group


There's a chance he pops up in Season 8. I also don't believe he's dead because, as the TWD rule goes so far, if your death isn't explicitly shown on screen, we have to assume you are alive. Heath is probably out there somewhere. With the way the writers do things, he'll likely perform a last second Carol-like save when Rick's group is in trouble. Heath might be the Season 8 version of Sheeva.


That would be cool if they did something like that with Heath. He has been off everyone's radar (including the viewers) for months now. And yes, if he had died, they'd have shown it. So he's out there...


Probably hoping 24: Legacy doesn't get cancelled, otherwise he'd have to come back to the zombie apocalypse. If 24: Legacy continues, or Corey Hawkins finds other work, then we could probably consider Heath dead. Then again, we still haven't seen Morales or his family since Season 1 as well. So they could still be alive. Dr. Abernathy didn't die in Season 3, so she's out there somewhere. The Vatos are dead. I know they cut their death scenes out from Season 2, but I consider it canon; they're dead. We also don't know what happened to the guy that left Randall behind in Season 2. What about the people Merle and Daryl saved in Season 3. What about the other people left behind in train cars in Terminus? (More than likely suffocated and starved to death, or probably wound up killing and eating each other).


Sarcasm, when others were just looking for civilized dialogue.
Always a class move. Thanks for participating.

Heath had become an established, ongoing character over the course of several seasons...not an arbitrary, temporary character (like "the guy who left Randall behind", for example). There's a difference, and you know it (I hope). Either way, your attempt at being a tool is noted.


I was sarcastic about the family from season 3 that Daryl and Merle saved. Those people were pointless, so who cares. Everything else I'm serious on. I'm just mentioning that these are characters who have gone missing on the Walking Dead, along with Heath, that I have gotten curious about over the years, whether if they were important or not.

I do want to see Morales and his family again because I liked his character.

Abernathy I'm only curious about because she just disappeared without any explanation. The Walking Dead wiki claims she got gunned down by the Governor in the season 3 finale, but other than a few credited background extras and Allen, the rest of the people he shot were random nobodies.

The Vatos are dead, as stated before as my personal opinion, but I would have liked to have seen them again in Season 5 when Carol and Daryl followed Beth's kidnappers back into the city.

The guy who left Randall behind, at one point in the past, I thought was going to end up being one of the Governor's men in Season 3, and somehow have a major impact of the plot, but that never happened. I probably assumed that would happen because I wanted to believe at the time that ditching Randall behind with Rick and the group would serve a bigger purpose other than allowing Shane to lure Rick into a trap that ultimately failed.

And the people in the train cars in Terminus I was interested in because Rick and crew only opened up one box car that had ONE guy in it, while there were possibly others to be saved, and Rick and crew left them behind. Just the idea of being locked in an room, knowing you're going to die kind of irks me, so that's why those faceless, unseen nobodies stand out. I know they're unimportant, but still, it irks me a bit.

Heath, who has only been in two seasons (not several) for a grand total of 5 episodes, has agreeably, and clearly, become more of a prominent figure than any of the other ones I have listed. I sincerely think his character will only return if the actor's schedule clears up, or if he has actual desire to return. If neither, he may just end up like the faceless nobodies I just mentioned, dead or alive.

If he were to come back, though, I don't think it'd be a Shiva moment like someone mentioned above earlier. He would have to bring a prominent character back with him, and then we'd get a flashback episode, maybe even two, focusing on how he met said person. Maybe he brings Magna and group from the comics back to Alexandria?


How do you know the Vatos are dead? Was there a deleted scene on the season 2 bluray set that showed it? And who was Dr. Abernathy, was she the one who patched up the Governor when Michonne shoved that glass shard in his eye?

As you said, characters of any real importance are USUALLY not dead if you haven't seen them die horribly onscreen. There have been exceptions. Sophia was dead five minutes after we last saw her but we didn't find out until halfway through the season and never actually witnessed her death; well, her first one anyway. We'll eventually either get confirmation of Heath's passing from someone important he sent Alexandria's way or he'll return alive with them. They won't leave us hanging forever.


I don't know if its on the bluray or not, but all I know is that in the Season 2 premiere, the brick building they're coming out of in the beginning is the Vatos place. I'm kind of ticked these scenes weren't kept in. Almost immediately after the group left the CDC, Shane's car breaks down, and tries to catch up with the group on foot. You can see a portion of this in the Season 2 trailer. Daryl notices Shane break down, and alerts the group to stop and go back for him. Here's a link to see what occurs afterwards:

These scenes were important, though, and I don't get why they took them out. Daryl hissing at Sophia was important because it gives Daryl more reason to go looking for Sophia later; he feels guilty for hissing at her and scaring her, and he wants to make up for it by finding her. It makes better sense and fits Daryl's character in the beginning, then a sudden shift into selflessness into finding her when you compare him from Season 1 and Season 2. But then again, that selflessness is more than likely why almost EVERY fangir-, I mean fan, likes him so much. The dead Vatos also were important because I think it was supposed to foreshadow Randall's group later in the Season. It could be speculated that the Governor's group did it, sure, but I sincerely think that the dead Vatos were supposed to foreshadow Randall's group.

As for Abernathy, yes, she was the Woodbury doctor that helped Andrea and Michonne when they first got to Woodbury, and healed the Governor after Michonne took his eye out. I'm curious about her because I've seen the actress in a few other things, and I got curious as to how someone like her just came and went. I'm going to have to assume that she went to stay at the prison with Woodbury and Rick's group, and somewhere in between Season 3 and 4, she either left the Prison or got killed offscreen. And I agree about Heath, more than likely they'll write his character out by having someone confirm his passing. His fate will eventually get explained. I do want Morales to come back though. Maybe if the show ever gets around to developing the part of the comics where the communities get together for a fair pre-Whisperers war, Morales and his family could come back up to visit, because word somehow traveled towards Alabama, which would be great, because it would show how effective the leadership of Rick, Ezekiel, Maggie and Dwight/Daryl (could be either one to take Negan's place as leader of the Saviors) has caused. And maybe Morales and his family are the first casualties of the Whisperers war. That may set Rick over the edge.


It was stupid of AMC to get rid of Darabont. I understand the original uncut season 2 premiere was a lot longer, and contained a number of important scenes. There are certainly other reasons for Daryl to have sympathized with Sophia; he too was abused as a child, and had a similar experience being lost in the woods. No matter how nonchalant he was about finding his way home and making himself a sandwich you know those events must've deeply affected him. But yeah, knowing he scared the crap out of her and felt guilty about it afterward adds an important element to the story.

I don't know if we'll see Morales and his family again. That's an awfully long distance in this world, and they have no way of knowing where Rick and the group went after Atlanta. But even if Heath is already dead I'm sure we'll get one last flashback episode showing what happened after he and Tara got split up. He'll end up with another group, and after deciding they can be trusted offer to bring them back to Alexandria with him. Something will go wrong. He'll be laying there dying, and tell his new friends how to find the community. They'll show up at Rick's door, probably at the beginning of the episode, and telling the story in bits and pieces will make up the bulk of the hour. So at least we'll get some kind of closure. And Rick will get some welcome reinforcements in his fight against the Saviors.


I bet we just never see him again, that does happen sometimes.

I wonder where Carol's dude is, Tobin I think his name was?


the actor got a much higher paying job but they were nice enough to leave the door open for his return. The fact he didn't return to Alexandria does not bode well for his fate, but I guess he could have just cut bait and ran. He has a nice ride so he can literally be anywhere if he isn't dead or captured
