MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > why do the bites speed up the death proc...

why do the bites speed up the death process?

if it was something to do with infected blood they would have been long dead from all the open wounds and blood splatter


I've wondered that too! They say it's not the bite that kills you but that you get infected when you are bitten, even though everyone is infected already, so everyone will change over when they die, no matter what. But then if your arm is bitten and you cut it off, you're ok..... Ahh!! So confusing. πŸ™ƒ


That smiley is spot on. It doesn't really make much sense. Did Robert Kirkman ever address this?

If the bite doesn't kill you (which I am perfectly fine accepting), then how come every single bite so far has been a death sentence? Would they be able to treat the infection with medicine? I'm not talking about those in the forest with no supplies, but people in Negan's compound or Alexandria and even Hilltop. There's ample medicine to treat infections, so shouldn't some people be surviving Walker bites? But so far, none of them ever survive.

Bite = guaranteed death


It's the acute infection of the bite: pathogens release toxins into the bloodstream, causing acute septicemia.
Yes, they are all infected, but with it at a non-lethal state, sort of like "herpes" in the body. It lays low until and unless you are stressed , sick, sunburn etc.


@lennonforever - This and I think FTWD already established a bigger focus on that matter and will follow up. So I recommend watching FTWD.


I do watch it , and have been disappointed with the show runners lack of virus origins they promised


there are three options: 1. They still havent figured out what to present 2. They keep it a secret until the end to create more show running time/suspense 3. They never solve it.


Kirkman had said he doesn't intend to solve it😟


i think its not that important anyway


IDK, I'd like to find out ultimately.


Definitely a good question. How does a bite accelerate anything at all? Is there some sort of venom in the teeth that spews out into the victims bloodstream when the tooth contacts human flesh? Not all undead have tongues, so I doubt it's that. How does the infection transfer faster after being bitten?

Still no answers on how bites accelerate the infection, what exactly happens when a walker tooth penetrates a victims flesh?


The fanboy answer is usually either that the bite wound itself kills you (moronic) or everyone is so seriously ill (virtually on the brink of death) that the bite puts you in immediate danger of getting the flu like symptoms that lead to death.

They're both idiotic. There must be something in the mouths of the walkers.


the writters themselves often lookup imdb for theories. Hope they know about moviechat!



We all have inside us the type of bacteria that consumes dead organic matter. It remains dormant until we get an injury that causes localized tissue death, or of course when it all dies. The mystery agent seems to do the same thing. It's present in every living person but dormant until they die. Then it goes active, restarting the most primitive parts of the brain, slowing down normal decomposition, and so forth. When a walker bites someone I think the active variant is injected into their blood stream - but it doesn't go back to sleep. Its activity is harmful to the living body and poisons the bite victim as it reproduces and spreads. That's my personal theory.


still, how do they get away covered in walkers blood? Surely the slightest open wound would be an entry to the infection, not only that, areas like the eyes and mouth are also entry points to infections and disease


The pores are also , it's as I said, the virus can enter the body but has to be triggered by death to activate.


That means there are two variants of the virus. Why hasn't someone examined the latter version?


I'm sure someone has. Jenner said the French may or may not have been close to a solution when they dropped out of contact. It's hard to believe things would be as bad in Europe as the US given that they had sixty days' warning after North America collapsed before it even started there (i.e. they knew the nature of the threat in advance and had time to prepare). At this point you'd need something that neutralized the pathogen worldwide to make a big difference though. An individual vaccine would still be useful. But your immunity wouldn't stop a mob of walkers from tearing you apart.

We know blood transfer doesn't seem to be very infectious. There was a scene in season 6 where Rick killed some walkers and cut himself with the blade while doing so. He looked at the wound for a moment, like he was trying to decide whether to cut off his hand, then seemed to say screw it and started back toward Alexandria. It was in the middle of that situation with the megaherd from the quarry. Why saliva transmits and blood seems not to, who knows? There are enzymes unique to saliva though. If you're a writer, maybe that provides the basis for an explanation.


Dead people don't have saliva.

I wish the show would explore this instead of pursuing yet another boring bad guy story. Just move on. Head to Washington. I'm sure they have pretty decent bunkers there.


Normal dead people would be skeletal within a few months. And blood congeals quite rapidly after death instead of remaining more or less liquid. Dead muscle tissue can still contract though, and dead nerves can still fire. At least until the rot progresses to a certain point. So if normal decomp is arrested a corpse could continue to move around and function at some level for quite a while - provided an external power source. That's the biggest question from a physics standpoint: where do walkers get their energy? Even the ones trapped in buildings with nothing to eat don't "power down" and become inert. Why not?


You have to view it as two separate issues.

A bite causes an infection that kills you, nothing more. It doesn't change you into a walker. It just kills you probably because no one had time to create a cure or antibiotics are not available.

Once you die (and you don't have to die by a bite) something in the brain reanimates and gets the body up and moving (rewatch season 1, episode 6 when they are at the CDC). It has nothing to do with a bite...which is why "everyone is already infected".

I'm "assuming" that a bite enters the bloodstream, where being splattered with guts and gore doesn't.....when things get too confusing I just remind myself that "it's a show based off a comic about the dead's entertainment don't think too much." (LOL)
