MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > How disappointing do you think the mid s...

How disappointing do you think the mid season finale will be?

Usually, the midseason finale would be the one good episode of the season, but this season has been so poorly done, not just the writing, but now the directing has gotten terrible.

I'm so curious to see how bad the midseason finale will be. Could this be the final nail in the coffin for TWD? It's gone to 7 million viewers, I am sure a couple more will tune in for the midseason finale episode, I imagine it can't be any better than the previous 6 episodes we've got, so it'll be interesting to see the drop in ratings for the midseason premiere in February.


Judging from the episodes so far I'd say a lot. It can't be worse than Season 6 season finale though, so I already braced myself. I still maintain a glimmer of hope that somehow the tide will turn and that I'll be pleasantly surprised though. Pipe dream, I know.

It'll be interesting indeed to see how the ratings will fare. Again, I'm hoping against all hopes that the dip will clear the production minds and that somehow they'll stop making matters worse with all the intellectual and smart-for-the-sake-of-being-smart attitude so abused in the last couple of seasons.


I agree. I am hoping Rick dies this season, so I can stop watching. Really.


Hmm, that's a good question. The "war" with the Neggars is not going to be concluded yet--there's still the whole second half of this season to finish with that. It will likely end with some of the characters in peril, but I don't think the writers will make the same ludicrous mistake of doing something as stupid as the conclusion of season 6 and teasing the audience about who got bat-smashed by Negan. But then again, we're talking about a bunch of mediocre scribes here being overseen by the Tin Hitler Gimple so, who knows, they might out-do themselves with a cliff-hanger that's just as annoying and anger-inducing.


Gimple the Pimple! What a self-serving f**ker! I hate him for giving us Dumpster gate and
the Lucille cliffhanger.


Somewhere between Duke Nukem Forever and Batman v Superman.
