Why not more dogs ?

I just the movie Alpha about the beginning of the man-dog
relationship last week. It's a pretty bad movie for the most
part except for being beautifully photographed. But it did
point out that man and dogs really make a good team.

What I think is interesting is how important a dog could be in this
Zombie Apocalypse world. Think about it. A couple problems
pop to mind right away, like barking and feeding, but I think it
makes a lot of sense.

The "walkers" don't go after dogs, but even if they do the dogs are
much faster than the walkers and smarter too. I bet a dog could
run right through a herd of walkers and never get stopped because
they just move too fast for walkers to react to.

The problem of training them to be quiet - there are hunting dogs
like pointers that are taught, or bred, not to bark at critical times.

Another problem would be if they bit the walkers and then had contact
with people, would they infect and kill the people? But past that,
dogs would help the people take back the world much quicker.

The other problem is what do you feed them, though the stores
might still be full of dog food, or the dog food factories.

It has been something like 10 years since the apocalypse, the forests
would have grown back really dense and full of game. That part of the
country has no big predators so there would be all kinds of game.
Probably enough to support a lot of dogs.

I think Daryl is on to something ... but then again Daryl is smarter
than the TWD writers probably!? ;-)


Well, the obvious reason is that if they let us care about this dog than they'll end up killing him off and I don't enjoy this prospect. If they just let him be a peripheral character like the dog in LOST than maybe we could avoid this trap but they writers like to tease and torment us too much.

Basically dogs could be helpful if well trained but knowing myself there is a bond that forms there where you worry about their well being so ultimately that could be more dangerous to some humans that could put themselves in additional harms way in order to save or rescue them.
Dogs have a tendency to be protective toward humans.
Bad if you love them and not so bad if you just see them as a device... like hunters hunting dangerous prey..

If there's plenty of food then dogs aren't so much a problem in that area..They're pampered now but could easily adjust to human scraps and can hunt themselves if hungry.

I've always hoped they'd avoid any pets on this show...(like dogs)...for the very reason that you feel there will come a point when he'll be sacrificed.


They already killed a pet tiger (even though it was cgi). Killing the dog would just be doggone overkill!


Judith apparently knew perfectly well what a dog was when Negan told his story, so i guess they are around but not shown on screen. Daryl needs to give him a real name because just calling your dog dog is silly.


Daryl needs to give him a real name because just calling your dog dog is silly.

But also very Daryl. 😅


True that.


A co-worker of mine one time told me she had a great dog. I asked her, what her dog's name was. She said Diojee. I got confused and asked ... what does that mean. What kind of name is that. D-O-G she said. ;-)


At least that is a bit imaginative unlike what Daryl picked.


That is adorable!


Good point


Both zombies and live people would eat the dogs. A domesticated dog would try to attack the zombies when they came into the yard, but zombies don't really care about being bitten. They showed some feral dogs in season 5 or 6 when Rick's group was so hungry they ate one of them. For a dog to survive, it would have to either go feral and avoid humans, or people would have to train them how to act like you said.

A while back, Norman Reedus asked if Daryl could have a dog and they said no, they got him a new crossbow instead. So I think he might be pissed off if they kill off Dog too quickly.


Why not more dogs?
Maybe hungry folks ate them!


There is still a preference operating there ... most Americans even under extreme circumstances would not want to eat a dog. Somehow I can picture killing and eating a deer, or a boar, or even a squirrel or rat, but not a dog. Ugh. I guess it depends on what level you are operating at. Some places you would likely have to re-tame them, or find puppies and raise them.

I don't even like cats but I would not want to eat a cat either. Strange the absence of any kind of pets in TWD.


Maybe seen as an unnecessary strain on supplies.
