Terrible Finale

They wrapped up that tedious Commonwealth crap pretty swiftly then teased some shit with Rick and Michonne.

Deserved better.

I would still like to know what happened with Rick so am happy with the mini series, movie, whatever it is. But they need to tie things up better than this.

Daryl in France might be fun. That's what I'm hearing.




I was looking forward to Daryl and Carol together as a team in France before she bailed. I wonder if Daryl will speak French.


Im looking forward to the rick and michonne spinoff
Daryl is France... might suck


Yeah, I still feel disappointed. I mentioned it in one of the other topics, but at some point in the future I'm going to watch the whole series from the beginning to end, now that's over; I haven't rewatched any previous episodes since it started. Maybe my opinion will change on it and the end will flow better. Probably not though, I just wish they gave it a more proper ending instead of having the spinoffs.


I'd give it about a 7.5. Somewhat lackluster & not great, but certainley not "bad" at the level of awful series finale like the (original) Dexter, or my pick for worst ever-House of Cards. The whole "We're the ones who live" crap was pretentious, & the Rick/Michonne cameos felt tacked on as an after thought.


It started with a bang, it ended with a wimper. Oh well , life goes on.


The finale was disappointing, underwhelming and disrespectful, just a shameless plug for yet another spinoffs.
