MovieChat Forums > Melancholia (2011) Discussion > Anyone else dreaming the last scene?

Anyone else dreaming the last scene?

So far I had 2 dreams where I die, earth being crushed by another planet.

First was around 2 months ago, a blue planet which looks like neptune crashed and I died.

And last night. There were some yellow circles in the sky, moving towards an invisible center. And after a while, everything became white like a planet was crushing into earth. I felt how I died. First was that everything became white and then I felt some sort of cold and then a second of pain, and then nothing.

Could be related that I've watched "The Abyss" last night.
So yeah, most of the vivid dreams I ever had.

Before watching Melancholia I never had such dreams.


Dreams are just manifestations of your memories, experiences, and thoughts. I believe this even though I have had dreams that came true about very trivial matters. Your dreams, on the other hand, are not about trivial matters. In case you were wondering, the possibility of your dreams coming true is zero, according to science.


This movie does remind me of dreams I have. Seemingly weird events that turn out to make a lot of sense when thought about later, all occurring with some freaky scientific event as a backdrop.

Yes, I did "experiment" quite a bit when I was younger, and I'm now a successful engineer.


Weird you posted about dreams. I only say that because I fell asleep before the ending, (I know, hard to believe right!) and I dreamed about a completely different ending. There were actually survivors that were saved because the velocity of the planets colliding slowed to the point where their were survivors. Hey, it's my dream. The resulting "new" mash-up planet could sustain life and wasn't unlike what their home looked like before.
This dream was so vivid I had to re-watch the last half of the movie because I never remembered falling asleep!! So I'll be curious to see what I dream about tonight now that I've seen the real ending!!


I wish I could.
