MovieChat Forums > Fall (2022) Discussion > Massive Plot Hole - Magic Disappearing l...

Massive Plot Hole - Magic Disappearing ladder!

This film only works because the ladder below the satellite dishes magically disappears half way through the film!

It's ridiculous. On the way up we see them passing the satellite dishes and the fact that there were two distinctly separate ladders above the main triangular section.

Yet after the top ladder rips off, the lower one has magically completely disappeared!

Given that we saw they could make it to the dishes with their length of rope, if the second ladder was still there they could simply climb down the ladders from that point onwards.

Major. Plot. Hole.


That's a good point. I just re-watched that scene and, yeah, we don't see the lower ladders fall. I suppose it's presumed they got hit by the falling upper ladders? I mean, that would male sense.


Not sure - the top ladder rips off from the top, with the girl's weight pulling it away from the central cylinder from the top.

In fact, it's only this happening which makes all the bolts break loose down the ladder (which I'm not even sure would happen realistically). So this means that top ladder should really fall clear of the structure (as it's pulled away) and wouldn't hit anything.


The ladders ripped off above and just below the dishes in sections (at least 7) - this next scene. It appears the rusty bolts coming loose caused several ladder sections to fall.

The ladders look connected by the bolts.

Plenty of plot holes, but I'm not sure about this one.


Thanks, that first clip pretty much shows exactly what I was saying in the reply above - i.e. the ladder section above the dishes break away from the structure and fall away from the tower.

The ladder section below the dishes has just magically disappeared!

You can see the magic ladder here:-

Hunter passes between the two distinctly non connected, separate ladder sections.


I understand what you're saying, but I would want to see the other side of the ladder. Are there two completely separate ladders or did a portion on one side break off because of rust making it look like two ladders? When the ladder rips off the pole, it breaks off in many sections.


I think that picture you've shown here - a still from your clip above - just shows the top ladder. As I was saying above, whether realistically it would burst off like that I don't know...

I mean, like you said, it's breaking into sections as the bolted connections are pulled off the structure. Sure maybe the first bit would break like that - with the force from the girl's weight ripping at it - but afterwards, why are all the connections ripping up like that when there's no longer any force (i.e. the girl) attached? 😂 Doesn't really make any sense...

However, that's still an entirely different issue from the missing magic ladder. Did you look at that point on the clip I posted above? At the 1 min 11 secs point, you can clearly see her passing two distinct, separate ladders. They're not even completely aligned by the looks of it, which makes it all the dafter!


The 1 min. 11 sec. clip is what I was writing about. I'd like to see the other side. Did that part of the ladder just corrode off? I previously complained about no ladder between the top platform and lightbulb, but now I believe the entire ladder corroded off at some point before their climb.

The weight of the ladder, gravity, momentum, the ditzy blond loosening it earlier and corroded metal could have caused it to break away like that. They must have consulted with a scientist or engineer.


Lol! Come on - you must be joking...

As per previous post, you can literally see they don't even line up vertically, plus you can even see the same section in another shot at 1min 9 secs in that clip that the top of one ladder and the bottom of the other are perfectly straight across the way!

You are replacing a magic disappearing ladder with magic rust! But even your magic rust doesn't work because we can actually see - in the clip you posted (45 secs in) - the ladder falling away from the structure ABOVE the dish (one piece hits the dish itself) and we clearly see no ladder coming away below the dish. So even the magic rust doesn't help.

You're right about that top part though - the fact that there's no ladder, yet a working light bulb there is also ridiculous and potentially a plot hole. However, like you said, we can maybe give it a pass on the assumption (however unlikely) that that piece just completely fell off at some point in the past.

However, given we see that magic ladder is there and then magically not there, there's no pass for that...


The director didn't want us to see what happens to the ladder under the dish when it falls away. Later in the movie when the blond lands on the dish, she was asked if there was a ladder underneath near the dish and she replied that it fell away. There was ladder left intact, but it was too far for her to reach.

The ladder near the bulb is more exposed to the elements so more corrosion. I noticed the less exposed section right underneath the platform didn't fall away.

The YouTube clips don't show enough of the ladder.


Yes, I know what the character said - that's why it's a plot hole.

Anyway, I can't really add anything further here - whatever the director may have intended we literally see the ladder falling away - hitting the dish as it goes! - then falling down away from the structure. Plus we see the perfectly cut top and bottom sections, where the two - non aligned! - sections come together below the dish.

That's basically all I need to see to have a full view of the situation...


Not showing the ladder fall earlier in the film is called foreshadowing since it was addressed later by Hunter.

A separate ladder would be a continuity issue instead of a plothole. But, I saw multiple sections of the ladder evenly break-off so I'm not convinced the ladders were separate especially since they were uneven. The unevenness indicates loose bolts to me. This ladder has a clean break, too.

Anyway, you have to suspend belief in order to enjoy this film. Ladder aside, these two women walked in a desert-like area and climbed 2,000 feet for hours with only one small bottle of water and no food/snacks. The ladder is the least of its problems, but it's still an enjoyable popcorn movie, anyway.


Jeez, last time but only because you've added something new re the top bit (which again doesn't really help anyway)...

Here is the clip you posted:-

At the 16 second mark, you can Becky going down, BEFORE the ladder breaks off. You can clearly see her passing the section at the top you posted a picture of! The ladder doesn't have a "clean break too" as you said, it's clearly another section of ladder!! i.e. She's not on it when her weight breaks the section she is on free, which is why it's still there after...

Sure, it's a fun movie - definitely helped by people discussing the situation, what they'd do, the plausibility, etc but I don't need to defend it by denying what I can literally see with my own eyes!


I found another video.

Your magic ladder near the dish appears to be intact and never fell away. The top is gone, but not the bottom. It's at 6:27.
Hunter could climb down the ladder near the dish, but wasn't there a huge gap farther down where more of the ladder fell? I remember Hunter saying part of the ladder was missing farther down. I would need to see the movie again in its entirety rather than rely on youtube clips to see what happened.

I just took another look at the pole Becky climbs and it's definitely to thin to have ever had a ladder. Maybe the workers shimmy up like Becky. Sounds odd, but this worker is climbing on pegs near the top of a 1,999 tower. He's above the clouds:

Agreed. It's a fun, but silly movie. I want to see a prequel. Or a feature film about that worker in the last video.


Your magic ladder near the dish appears to be intact and never fell away. The top is gone, but not the bottom. It's at 6:27

Thanks. I was going to try to show you this yesterday but couldn't find it in a YouTube clip. I think I found it listed as a goof on IMDb and saw it on Netflix but couldn't see it elsewhere...

I don't know if you saw this which someone posted on one of the other threads:-

It's more similar to the top of the tower featured in the film. The pole is thinner but at least still has attachment s for him to climb up.


Nice video.

I was watching another one in which the workers sometimes climb in pitch black after nightfall. Later, it shows that the top thin part of the tower had collapsed and fell to the ground. That was the section which they routinely climbed on - sometimes three men all at once. I also read that some workers go up drunk or high.

I honestly want to climb a tower now. But, only a 100 feet - to start.


I also read that some workers go up drunk or high.

That kind of reminds me of another daft aspect of this movie - Was climbing up that tower really such a thrill seeking endeavour for those girls?

Tbh, the free base climbing they were doing at the start looked much scarier!

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't be going up there but if you're used to heights, would essentially just climbing up ladders really be that exciting in comparison?


Becky was traumatized by her husband's death. The tower was a way for her to get back in the saddle. Start slow and work up.

Now poor Becky is retraumatized. LOL!


Just discovered there's actually a second, disappearing then re-appearing magic ladder!!

Just watch this clip:-

At the 29 seconds mark, Becky's holding on to a section of ladder which breaks off from structure but we can see the short section above still clearly in place and attached.

However, on 32 seconds - on the shot from below, showing her falling away, it's clearly disappeared! Just the structure and platform Hunter's on.

Still gone on 49 seconds when Hunter's pulling her up. Yet, magically it reappears a couple of seconds later!

Terrible editing...


Anyone seeing the movie understands that the ladder is mostly gone, even below the satellite dish. A short piece is still attached just below the platform.


Not sure of your point here but anyone seeing the movie sees the clip I posted (it's from the actual, same film).


But that ladder is not gone. Bad edits or not that ladder is not gone.


We're discussing magic, appearing then disappearing, ladders here which you can clearly see within the film.

Bad / lazy editing is precisely the reason we can do so. Anyone watching the film can see this.
