MovieChat Forums > Captain Phillips (2013) Discussion > All about american superiority....

All about american superiority....

This is a great film! I will not deny that but last 30 mins is all about how good america's military - if anything its a promotion add to join the navy seals!


The American military is good at what it does.

The fact that they are good at murdering innocent brown people. Nothing to be proud about.


lol. Those are the comments you get when you give third world nations internet cafe's. Your welcome for the food and protection we extend to your "nations". to funneh

R.I.P. Star Trek
1966 - 2009
 Smile and wave boys...Just smile and wave...


A good percentage of those "third world nations" have a better grasp of English than you do. Learn to spell before spewing your xenophobic nonsense.


The USA is not responsible for either the internet or feeding the third world.

They are fed despite American capitalism, and the internet was invented by the British.

I agree that the US military is good at killing civilians - from Vietnam to Iraq. But they are no good at winning wars. They have been defeated in every conflict since Korea, with the exception of Grenada. And that required three army brigades to defeat 250 Cuban workers.


Well, we got tired of killing White and Yellow people last century...


The fact that they are good at murdering innocent brown people. Nothing to be proud about.

Wow. Dumb.


"The fact that they are good at murdering innocent brown people. Nothing to be proud about."

Actually, I'm quite proud of it...


The american army or any other army in the world should look superior to 4 under age black guys trying to take over an american ship. Duh,


The american army or any other army in the world should look superior to 4 under age black guys trying to take over an american ship.

Lol @ "under age".

But then again, that's how these "under aged" unaccompanied babies making their way to Europe look like: full beards, balding at the temples, beer guts, the works.

Superior Somali genetics the only explanation I guess.


I can't believe human scum like you actually exists in the world.


So funny.. :))

Moview enthusiast


Yeah, they truly excel at murdering poor brown people who are unable to defend themselves.



The superiority of a trillion dollar military, with state of the art technology and thousands of trained staff, against four impoverished, out of work fishermen with machine guns and flip-flops (well, three of them had flip-flops)?

Just because I stumble down the road like a drunk, that doesn't mean it's the wrong one.


Let us know when you find some innocent ones.


Let us know when you find some innocent ones.

Indeed. The Somali pirates were not "innocent un-armed brown people" asa some both here and other threads have said; they were criminals. Nothing else.


The U.S.A. is superior. If it wasn't, it would be just another third-world shithole like Somalia. The Somalis in this instance were murderous criminals who terrorized and threatened the lives of innocent people. There is no excuse for that behavior. The Navy was justified in taking them out.


Movie still stunk...


Movie still stunk...

Why did you not like it?


It was boring. The story could have been done as a cheap made for tv film. I know it was a real life story but when it happened it really wasn't that remarkable of a story. Even dramatizing it didn't help matters.
