The part I don't get... why didn't they just jolly well squash these subhuman bugs/pirate/insect/subhumans? Have adequate armaments to do the job right and proper, and end them, and then get on with the civilized world? Right is right. What am I missing.


I'm watching right now and I just can't understand how 20 men can get their ship entered by 4 guys, when those 4 guys all enter via the same small ladder and it takes then log long minutes to do so.

1 entry.

Trade in your man card for a soft blanket, crew. That's embarrassing.

F9ck this movie. I'm watching something else.


Did you not notice that the pirates had guns and were using them?


Hard to believe those shady looking characters applied for, and we're approved for gun permits. I mean really, would you issue them one??


Because gun permits are issued in Somalia. Geez! Do you even know where Somalia is located?!


I made my own thread, but yeah this bit is stupid as well, film makers will say well they were armed with machine guns, but notice how the cargo crew had pistols later on, the pistols werent from the pirates, so that was a massive plot hole. Also suddenly also had the balls to take on the pirates when not long before they were moaning they were just civilian sailors,

The two realistic outcomes are, either the 4 pirates are overpowered coming on to the ship, or the ship is captured fully successfully. Also no way the last pirate makes on the ship as at that point the small boat has no one keeping it lined up to the ship.


There isnt some central pirate base on the Somali coast that the government can just bomb to end the situation. You saw the start of the movie; most of these pirates are just desperate fisherman living in poverty on the coast. Should we just bomb every village on that coast?


OP is a racist




"Right is right"? No. Murder is murder. These people may have been criminals, but they ought to have been arrested by competent authorities and given a fair trial. Instead they were murdered by US soldiers.


yeah right



"Right is right"? No. Murder is murder. These people may have been criminals, but they ought to have been arrested by competent authorities and given a fair trial. Instead they were murdered by US soldiers.

Actually, they were SEALS, thus sailors, not soldiers. But, that aside, they were killed by SEALS, not murdered. They acted in defense of Captain Phillips' life. The Somalis they killed were engaged in an act of piracy on the high seas.
