bull sh*t meter

Ok, first of all, you've got a ship from the world superpower U.S of A, carrying
millions of dollars worth of payload, and a couple somali boats that look like you
can buy them for 100 bucks each in a junkyard is able to travel faster than the multi-million dollar ship with high tech equipment?

Seriously, if you are going to put 100 million dollars of payload on a ship in the ocean, surely you'd have to use either some protection (security) or the ship itself should be god damn faster than rusted, old outdated camping boats that these pirates use.

How in the **** can they catch the ship?

Second, again, I say, with all the money they are putting into those ships carrying around millions of dollars of worth of freight, how come they can't invest a just a few thousand dollars to get security forces, weapons, guns, artillery etc to protect the investment???

Do you see a god damn brinks car driving around with millions of dollars made of straw with open tops and drivers who have no weapons, combat training?????

Is this really how shipping companies operate? You'd think with all the money they have, they could at least use ships that out run ski doos and have enough security to ward off poor peasant africans who can barely feed themselves and would need a honeycomb cereal to use as life savers.

Next, NO GUNS?
It's an American ship from a country that is riddled with guns and the ship has no guns?? And don't say it's because of other country's laws....what other countries? This is the horn of Africa, every god damn country in africa is riddled with guns so they don't have any laws that prohibit ships from carrying guns when their own citizens in every town walk around with ak47s.

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YOU are either a dumbass, not understanding that this event is real life, not hollywood....

Or a deliberate troll.

Seeing as this very same argument has come up again and again and again and debunked as BS every time... I'll go with troll.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


piece of s1t coward hiding behind his keyboard to afraid to go out into the real world



You know the movie is based on a true story, right? It actually happened, the pirate is still in jail on a 30 year sentence and Captain Phillips has returned to sea after a 1-year shore leave.


To the two repliers.

I think the OP clearly knows and understand this is a true story. If you read his remarks closely you can see that. Yes, the subject title of the post seems he's going to complain about the writing (if it were fiction), but the bulk of his post, to me anyway, seems to poke and blame the owners of the ships for allowing their ships to be woefully vulnerable in known hostile waters.
