MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > Stupid 'turn-on' scene

Stupid 'turn-on' scene

Thought this was a fairly ridiculous and unnecessary scene. Aron re-watching the bikini suited girls on his camcorder, pause one certain scene and getting a boner? Sorry, I don't need to be in this *beep* up situation for a bunch of hours to know, nothing in the world would make me think of spanking the monkey. I thought this scene was just to give the audience a laugh or something. Completely wrong.


Not read the book so the scene could be based on truth but it's possible he got such an urge. If you think you may be about to die you may get an urge to, as you delicately put it, "spank the monkey".
Aron's thinking may have been, "Aw, shucks. Looks like I'm not gonna make it outta here. Think of what I'll be missing in the trouser department.. Maybe I'll just have a quick..." - discreet check over his shoulder for unwanted visitors (come on, we've all done it) - "...monkey spank to see myself off..."
This urge may have been all the more acute if we consider that 50% of his spanking equipment was unavailable to him.


I saw it as, it was made to relax him.

Isn't that what masturbastion/sex is about? I think it was relevant....he was in a tragic situation all by himself.


Masturbastion (sic) is the best...

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I thought that scene was stupid aswell.


I'm pretty sure he did it to test whether or not his pecker was still functioning.


Its a great way to relieve stress and he is in a pretty stressfull situation.


I Don't think so.the scene was actually interesting.


The scene was meant to be awkward, which it was.

I took it as him reminiscing about flirting with girls and a way to escape his situation.


"I took it as him reminiscing about flirting with girls and a way to escape his situation."

Yes I thought along the same lines. After all the guy was hallucinating. I'm not sure why people would say it was "stupid". It was just one of a number of responses to an extremely high stress situation.


Why would it be stupid?
He was just remembering about flirting with girls because he just needed to escape his situation.
It worked as a reflection over Aron's choices and that it was those choices who brought him to his current situation.

And naturally, when (straight)guys think bout girls they get the urge, so to speak.
How is that stupid?


Exactly. When I was young, younger than 18... I told myself a couple times if I ever got stuck in some Count of Monte Cristo situation or something I could at least beat meat a few times before dying. As my testosterone levels evened out it seems ludicrous.


Men are perverts you know how I know I am one even when we are about to die all we think about is sex, food and sports

I agree. I laughed out loud at the scene Years ago I was watching a show about lions and they showed a man being attacked by a lion. Like most lions the big cat clamped its jaws on the guy's neck. It was easier than usual for the lion to do because the guy used his hands to cover his crotch!!


During an interview with the real Aaron, he said the scene with the girls was completely made up for dramatic effect. It never happened.
Not that day anyway.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


4+ days of isolation and I would think it'd inevitably cross your mind occasionally. Whether or not you act on the impulse or not is key though. It would not be a wise use of the limited and dwindling fluid in his body.
