drunk driving?

After the court hearing and celebration, Owen's character is told he is high/warped by the main actress? Like, is he actually? If so, he drove drunk/high, it seems.


What's your point?


I agree with the other poster. What is your point? Are fictional characters not allowed to drive drunk in movies?


i changed my mind about this in the time it has happened. but i do know that you don't want someone driving drunk/high with your loved ones on the road with said high/drunk person.


i do know that you don't want someone driving drunk/high with your loved ones on the road with said high/drunk person.

Yeah, no kidding.

i changed my mind about this in the time it has happened.

What do you mean you changed your mind about it? Were you okay with it before?


i wasn't ok with it before. i am ok with it being shown in movies to show how booby someone can be.


Movies would be pretty boring if they didn't show people being real and making mistakes.
