Why did....(Spoiler)

WHy did Kelly kill herself? I must say, i started to really enjoy the movie and then Kelly killed herself..... I was pissed! They never really explainned why she did it other than basically saying you can be a star and also have love. Lame lame lame.


You really didn't see it?

She lost her baby due to her drinking which she developed to cope with stress. That alone would drive a woman to kill herself in some situations. Her husband was an un supportive prick who wanted to pretend they had a good marriage but wasn't willing to do anything to help fix it.

He would give her a slight snippet and then snatch it away viciously because he couldn't deal with his own grief, he seemed like an egotistical prick in general. He never really stood up for Kelly and cared more about her career then helping her get better

He cut her off emotionally and only begin to show the slightest bit of affection to her at the very end and by then it was too late.

Fame destroyed the one thing Kelly loved most.....her relationship with her husband and her hope of having a family.

"Because I knew you, I have been changed...for good."
" You flip flopping ass piece of bitch"


What is "Country" strong about that?


Her husband was an un supportive prick who wanted to pretend they had a good marriage but wasn't willing to do anything to help fix it....He would give her a slight snippet and then snatch it away viciously because he couldn't deal with his own grief, he seemed like an egotistical prick in general.

She was cheating with Beau and had no problem making sure James knew it. She was willing to have sex with the promoter to get the Dallas show, and I'm betting that wasn't the only time. She probably wasn't all that discriminating when she was drunk before rehab.

My take was then his being/turning into a prick was helped along by her.

If you can't walk and talk/text at the same time, do the rest of us a favor and get out of the way.


I agree. She killed the love they once shared.


Good question. I'd also like to know what made her kill herself. She was young, beautiful, loved, and was a star. She could have gone back to rehab.


Kelly could not get over the loss of her baby. Plus her pushy husband took her out of rehab and rushed her back on tour before she was ready. The grief, his lack of sympathy and his support of new singer Chiles was too much for her to handle. This is my take on the movie anyway. Country is not my music taste but enjoyed this movie and all the actors, especially Hedlund.


My guess? After that amazing performance in Dallas, she thought it couldn't (or wouldn't) get any better so decided to go out while she was on top.

"Oh, please, just shut up. You're wounding my soul!"


Some people just can't take the stress. She was no longer happy, the relationship with beau was not going to work out, her marriage was not working, most of all she missed her baby.

She had told chiles she wants a daughter to give advice too. That's kinds of what she does when tells Chiles tips for being a superstar and borrows the pen and paper.


It wasn't just the loss of the baby. I have had 4 miscarriages and each time yes you are sad, but you get up and try again! I finally had one successful pregnancy and a daughter.

Kelly was not depressed due to a baby that didn't make it, but to the fact that she herself killed it. Not only was the drinking going to affect the baby, but falling off the stage while drunk finished the job.

She was a mess, she knew it, didn't think she deserved to have a life I guess when she took one. Also her husband as much as told her before she went on the last time, he didn't love her anymore.

I think that tipped the scales.
But she had it planned. She had all those pills to take. That was confusing too because James had been doling them out into her square, remember. Whatever was in the square that is what she took each night.


I'm disappointed in the ending as well. I guess the writer wanted to go for a shocking ending, because I didn't see that one coming.


Kelly was an alcoholic. That in itself presents an entire host of demons, but that was combined with the stress of performing and touring, the guilt over the loss of her baby, her husband's lack of care and concern and their deteriorating marital relationship. Although she had once been "tough as nails" according to James, the balance of power changed in their relationship and Kelly lost her sense of self-esteem.

We can see a little of the old Kelly when she is drunk and defiant - and then, after she slaps James, we see her disappear into an apologetic, subserviant woman who will do anything he wants her to do (which is to get out on that stage and sing).

Kelly is sinking all though the film. Even her happy moments are at best melancholy. And yet, when she makes that superhuman effort in Dallas, it seems to come out of nowhere. Something has changed inside her...but not for the better. She has made a decision, and with decision-making often comes peace, and dedication to the job at hand.

As one poster said, she wanted to go out on a high note. But not for her fans, or for her husband, or her career - she wanted to prove to herself that she had one last good round in her. She wanted it to be good, because she knew it was going to be her last.


I ultimately think Kelly gave up. She says love and fame can never exist together (or something like that) I think Kelly just wanted to go back to a simplier time. Back when she and her husband were happy and in love. Live a quiet life together and raise a child. When Kelly tries to express her feelings to her husband, he shoots down the idea by telling her she belongs on stage. He pushes her to perform when clearly she is not ready for a return. I think she may have realized she is all alone in life the moment her husband left during the dance scene. Kelly knew her life would only be the stage, surrounded by people who didn't give a sh*t about her OR a washed up drunk OR both. She made it very clear to Beau and Chiles that love was the right choice in life. I think she thought choosing suicide was choosing love. Leaving the fame to be in a better place with her baby.

Hey, did you ever try dunking a potato chip in champagne? It's real crazy!


I hate to post again and say the same thing but without support or with someone very NOT supportive an alcoholic will not recover. The husband took Kelly out before she was ready, and I can't imagine for any other reason except for him being selfish about her fame and money.

Trust me, people who need to go to rehab are forced out of it all of the time due to their "responsibilities" and the fact that people in their life think that they should be able to just "cut down" or quit due to sheer willpower. It's impossible. These people need education....but these are selfish, ignorant people who don't want to face up to the fact that they might have something to do with the downfall.

Kelly knew that she probably did her best work that night and with her constant downfall and no real support she could never do better. So she ended it.

It's much like the ending of "The Swan" isn't it? Her last words were "I was perfect". That's all she cared about and knew she could never do better than that night.

Maybe it's a lesson to us to watch for such signs and try to help when we can instead of thinking a person can just heal themselves. Mental issues can't be "seen" like a broken arm or leg but they are there. It's too bad that people can't handle the stigma of them and get help for the people who need it.


I don't think it's fair to put a person's recovery on other people. Yes, James wasn't supportive and was asking her to do things counter to her recovery but she also needed to stand on her own two feet. She simply should have refused. She did nothing to fight for her own sobriety and mental health. She relented then gave up.


I ultimately think Kelly gave up.

I do too. Nothing in her life was what she wanted and should wouldn't, or couldn't, find the strength to force the change. She felt defeated and just gave up.


She turned away from Jesus.


I think the key to her unhappiness lies in the conversation she had with Chiles in the taxi. She talked about how she would love to have a daughter and how she'd be a great mom to that little girl, letting her get her ears pierced, etc.. The implication is that Kelly's mom wasn't that great of a mom so Kelly wanted to be a better mom....but then she got drunk, fell off the stage and lost her baby...making her a worse mom then her own mother. The feeling that she failed everyone, her husband, her fans, her lover, her baby and herself was more than she could take. She just couldn't pull out of her depression from failing her daughter (by killing said daughter) so she gave up and took the easy way out.


I agree with many of the posters' reasons/theories, so I'm not gonna add much on that front...and I have my own opinions about James and Kelly and their relationship and what not, but I'm exhausted at the moment so I don't feel like organizing those thoughts into coherent words right now, haha.

BUT, I just wanted to add to this, that I COMPLETELY agree that it comes down to the conversation in the cab with Chiles (not 100%, but it was a big part of it). I think Chiles actually contributed, indirectly, to Kelly taking her own life. I'm not saying it's Chiles' fault, but from the minute she started giving Chiles advice before the show, I knew it wasn't going to end well. I could just tell, from the way that she made her write it down, etc, was that it would be the last time she'd ever get to tell her those things. I felt that she thought her time as a star was over, and she could see that Chiles would be taking her place, so she was kind of 'leaving the spot open' for her. At first I thought her saying "and that's how it's done" (or whatever) to Chiles as she was exiting the stage was a slight at her and kind of bitchy, but then as I kept thinking I actually thought of it as helping her once again. Giving her a prime example of a dynamic performance and comeback, especially to someone who had been known to choke and get nervous performing in the past.


I definitely think that she had planned her suicide way before the show - she was too calm and peaceful. Since she knew it was her last show, she decided to give it her all. Her pain was too much for her to bear. There was a strange look of contentment on her face after the show when she went into her dressing room and locked the door. However, I didn't expect her to commit suicide.

I found myself thinking about Whitney Houston while watching the movie and it left me with a weird feeling.
