MovieChat Forums > The Fall of the House of Usher (2023) Discussion > Question re: The Black Cat (obv spoilers...

Question re: The Black Cat (obv spoilers)

The wiki synopsis says that Leo only imagined he killed his partner's cat, and that in the end, after he dies, that's the real cat coming back, never having been killed. I know these are just written by random people so you have to take a grain of salt, but is that correct? I assumed he did in fact kill the cat in some drug-fueled blackout and that was Verna as the "new" cat walking over his corpse. Any thoughts?


It is hard to say exactly what part of what they experienced was real or in their head... as Verna was messing with them all... the only think we know for sure is that the cat was missing as the boyfriend mentions this... other than that it is hard to tell what was real and what was placed in their heads by Verna...


He did imagine it that's why at the end when he fell from the window the cat walked over him, his bf had stated that the cat used to go missing for days.

plus in later scenes when they was showing the pictures of 'death' she was holding a dead rat whereas he saw her holding the cat and took a picture of it to see if it was similar to the so called 'dead' one.
