I liked it

After it got past the first 20 minutes it started to get pretty good.


I also enjoyed it.


I liked it as well, more than I thought I would. I wasn't planning on watching it but it was the only movie showing at a convenient time at the theatre close to my work.

I never watched the original with Goldie Hawn. This one, once you get past the silly concept, is sort of sweet and enjoyable.

Loved the Jaws reference!


The same movie as in the 80s. Just with switched sexes (cause its okay when a woman holds a man as prisoner, but not in the other direction :) ).

It would be also horrible if its just a ordinary remake. But doing remake and then swtching sexes is so amazingly stupid as posssible. Such stupid actions let women appear weak, not strong. What about making movies about strong women? Lets check: Ripley, Ms. Connors, most Jane Fonda movies, etc. ! For some strange reason none of them are remade!


No one wants to see a strong woman in the cinema.


"But doing remake and then swtching sexes is so amazingly stupid as posssible. Such stupid actions let women appear weak, not strong."

Why does a woman playing a mans role make the woman appear weak?


I thought this would be awful but i also kind of liked it.


I never saw the original so I can't compare but I thought it was a good movie.


I liked it too. It was cute and funny. My rating is an 8/10.


I really enjoyed it! My husband and I laughed quite a bit, pretty much every scene with Eugenio was hilarious. The scenes of him interacting with the construction crew were spot on, and had me belly laughing. I wish they had done more to make Anna Faris' character compelling and interesting, she came across as rather boring, tbh. Other than that, very enjoyable.
