I told you!

Ok so I posted something here not too long ago saying that they won't kill Stiles because:
A. He is the most loved character on the show
B. They wanted to end this part on good terms with fans
C. He deserves a good ending
D. Everybody loves Dylan

So since I got my happy ending for the characters that I like, I decided not to watch the second part, I actually forced myself to watch this season just to see what happens with Stiles, Lydia and Scott, and now that I know I can go in peace. This season was the weakest for me, I didn't like the focus on the new characters, fight scenes were weak and too much slow mo, also didn't like Scott being so powerless this season he just didn't grow as an alpha. Best storyline was with Stiles and his parents. It was very interesting to see how the story unfolded.


The one bright side of the boards shutting down, I can no longer come on here and see yet another sermon from the Church of Stiles Stilinski or the Cult of Dylan O'Brien.

Don't J没dg锚 a Bo么k by Its Mov卯e


don't read those posts then

i certainly don't diss on adoring scott posts

let each and everyone one of us have their opinions 馃槡

Who needs a signature?!


i certainly don't diss on adoring scott posts
Can't diss what don't exist.

Don't J没dg锚 a Bo么k by Its Mov卯e


many people here like scott. it's not the majority but there are a lot of them.

but you seem to want to bash stiles' fans.

Who needs a signature?!


You know what? I think I was just having a bad day. I apologize.

It doesn't help that the boards here are about to end. I shouldn't end it on a negative note.

Don't J没dg锚 a Bo么k by Its Mov卯e


oh boy, we all have bad days. i just tend to be more sarcastic in those days than you which somehow alsways comes across as a serious post ;)

anyway, i also read about that!

why are they ending the boards?! i mean, the biggest reason i come here is to read what people are saying about a movie. if they end the boards, i'll come here once every three months or something.

are they on drugs?! the boards are the main reason people come here.

Who needs a signature?!


many people here like scott. it's not the majority but there are a lot of them.

And I'm one of them. I didn't like him at first, because he was whiny and obsessed with Allison. But I started to warm up to him by season 2, and he's one of my favorites now.

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."

