MovieChat Forums > Teen Wolf (2011) Discussion > didn't like it. and i was so looking for...

didn't like it. and i was so looking forward to it...

1. STYDIA -- people in this forum know i shipped STYDIA but...really?! that's all they gave me?!
-i didn't say it back
-you don't have to
WTF?! just like that? that felt so cliché. yeah i liked the kiss but i would have prefered a look, some...thing. that was so rushed. T_T

2. melissa and argent...cliché. again. really?!

3. the nazi. what?! what was that? what was the goal? O_o nothing made sense.

4. theo's still alive...oh well.

5. claudia. why is she back? she was gone when the sheriff let her go. and then she returned and became part ghost rider and tries to kill her son because she loves the sheriff more?! WHAT?!

6. why was peter catatonic? all the others weren't. and when peter was taken the second time he knew of the wild hunt. why was he catatonic and NO ONE ELSE was?! not sheriff, hayden, mason,argent, melissa, yada yada. come on! yes, Peter had a really funny scene with Malia but it didn't make sense. NONE!

7. How did stiles graduate if he was gone months? do US schools work differently from other countries?

8. Peter: "nobody likes a nazi." ^_^ i love peter.

9. Stiles:
-A stiles?
-A what?
- bad guy, right? i didn't misread that?

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Yeah, it was bad.

1. That's what I thought would happen. One minute of a quick kiss and that was it.

2. The Melissa and Argent kiss and "you're so hot" line. It was so incredibly cheesy and corny. I was sorry for J.R. and Melissa that they had to play that scene.

3. The whole Nazi thing was ridiculous.

4. Theo. We're stuck with him. Why did Liam break that damn sword?

5. I thought that we were through with Demon Claudia. That whole scene was unnecessary and annoying.

6. They're still screwing up Peter's character. Heaven knows what they will do to him in 6B. I want the old Peter back!

7. U.S. schools are like every other school in the world. If you miss three months, you don't graduate. Stiles should be in summer school with Malia.

8. That was Peter's best line this season. He is one of the most interesting characters on the show. When the writers don't screw him up.

9. I don't know what that was all about.

A lot of people didn't like the episode. I'm one of them. It was dreadful.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


6. i don't think they screwed up peter in this season. he was a lot like himself and i absolutely loved him. his one-liners are to die for ^_^

8. oh. you just confirmed it.

9. when stiles frist sees scott. the nazi was saying he'd have riders who were true alpha's, coyote's and then stiles appears and says what i wrote. that was so stiles ^_^

the episode was just so rushed. they could have done a two-hour special and it would have been a thousand times better. too late now :(

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My thoughts about the finale:

# The train thing: Uhmm, okay. I mean, the idea itself is okay. Strange, but okay. What did the GR do before trains were invented? But well I can deal with strange ideas and I stopped to think about logic and plot hole in Teen Wolf, I learned to just enjoy the action and seeing all the characters in funny/strange/extraordinary situations. But still, I would have preferred if they met someone, maybe a banshee who told them this train thing. This solution with diverting the train came out of the blue and it felt rushed.

# Mr Douglas: Well, it's always nice to see a nazi meeting a well-deserved end. To see him transformed into a GR was nice. But the fighting scenes and this awful german, commanding the GR around was awful. It reminded me of the finales of 3A and 4: Let's make a fighting duel between Scott and the villain who was supposed to be super-strong, being a super-dangerous alpha for DECADES but then losing it against a teenager who is an alpha since... two years? Come on!

# Claudia: for me the worst, most unnecessary scenes of all. I liked how Stilinski exorcised Claudia by getting back his memories. That was a fine end for this theme! Why this awful choking out and Lydia/Stilinski scene? Just so Lydia can save Stiles?

# Peter: I liked him in S6A. He was a bit shoved around, if someone gets a kick in the ass, then it was Peter. Burnt, taken by the GR twice, catatonic... I don't even ask why he was this way. But it was nice to see him again and his care for Malia is cute. Looking forward to seeing how their relationship develops.

# Liam/Theo: I love their chemistry and I love that they bring back some humour and action into the show. I love this big brother (Theo) - little brother (Liam) kind of relationship. Episode 6.9 was really hard to watch - all this crying, recycling of old scenes, pseudo-symbolism - gah! Theo and Liam were a breath of fresh air in all this infinite "remember Stiles remember Stiles remember Stiles" (loop) stuff I had to go through the whole season. They were entertaining and for me, it brought back this sense of action and entertainment I was missing when I had to look into Lydia's big crying eyes whispering "remember" the whole season. And yes, I wanna see how the outsider Theo fits in in the future.

# Stydia: I was fine with Stydia until I got to know the hardcore Stydia shippers and until MTV pushed it so much. This overwhelming amount and constant baiting with "Stydia rises" and baiting the audience with Stiles in general completely spoiled this relationship for me. This crush of Stiles on Lydia in the first seasons was cute and I loved it. But for me, Stydia died in S3 and when the characters developed further in S4 and S5 it stayed dead. Now it feels to me like a Zombie walking the show and they made it the main plot of a whole season. The fact that DOB won't even be much in 6B makes it kind of even more ridiculous to me. It's too late for Stydia, They should have done it in S3, I would have loved it then. MTV posting a pic of Lydia staring into the rift: "The moment all our hearts were broken." Nope. I really hope they bring back the tough, strong, independent Lydia now that Stiles is gone.

# Chris and Melissa: I'm still not sure if I found this shootout scene with the GR ridiculous or funny. The ship itself is fine for me. Though it must be a bit strange for Scott, considering that Chris is Allison's dad...

# Stiles leaving: To me, knowing that DOB's days in TW are over before watching the season, I didn't care much about the character anymore, to be honest. He was like a Ghost for me, a shadow of Teen Wolf's past like Jackson, Isaac, Derek, Danny. The reunion left me cold for some reason, maybe because I knew it's just this one scene and then Sciles is gone forever. Sciles was strongest in S1 and S2, after that it was kind of messy and after S3/4 I felt like it's broken anyway. After the second season that was all about Stiles Stiles Stiles and MTV milking every last drop of DOB's popularity can we please focus on Scott now? Thanks.

For 6B I want some strong development for Scott, strong Lydia again, see where Malia and Peter are going and some entertaining, good old Teen Wolf feeling with humor and silly scenes - but this time, to have a wave of fresh air, with the pack 2.0. Yes, it's an unpopular opinion, but after six seasons of seeing Lydia crying, Scott losing and Stiles insulting people I'm looking forward to new, fresh faces.


- The train thing: I don't even know where they got the idea. did the nazi say anything about it? If so, i totally missed it.

- The nazi: waste of what could have been a great bad guy 😒

- Claudia: yeah. the sheriff's first send away was perfect. they ruined it by bringing her back. they made him shoot the woman he so obliviously loved. creeps

- Peter: yes i loved him this season. still why was he catatonic the second time when no one else was? WHY?!

- Liam/Theo: they had some funny scenes together. i'm guessing the writer's are going to shove them together for 6B

- stydia: i'm a stydia fan but i'm not hard-core. although it does pisses me off when people say there was a marrish there when it was all in parrish mind. but yeah, i'd given up on stydia until season 6...and was left completely unsatisfied by 6x10. i felt like breaking something when i realised that was all they were going to give me. i would have prefered if they'd left the kiss out and we just had that look at the end and the promise it held. a lot more believable. there are long distance relationships and that's fine but...i just feel sorta meh with it all. i do love lydia. she's my favorite female character and i love it when she's bad ass. she was so good in season 5 and this season...maybe you're right and it will happen in 6B

- stiles: i always care about stiles ^_^ i think it was a good send off. i think he'll be back for 6B for the last episode. this last episode did satisfy sciles though. they were sweet together.


- they still didn't explain why stiles was immune to the ghost riders. everyone went catatonic but stiles wasn't. not even in the begining. why?! how could they not address that?! a human wasn't catatonic but peter, a strong werewolf, was?! doesn't make sense! the same with that other boy who died. he was also not catatonic. i HATE it when the writers don't provide an explanation for things like these 😒

- i'm not a big fan of 2.0 but i don't hate them either. it's the writers fault. they didn't make them as interesting as they could have. they're boring to me so...oh well. only 10 more episodes to go. i'll probably miss some but i will try to see it.

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