MovieChat Forums > Teen Wolf (2011) Discussion > Favourite sCiles scenes

Favourite sCiles scenes

I love Sciles. Love their chemistry, bromance. The ending of 6x10 made me tear up. So i've been watching all my favourite scenes from previous seasons.
My top 3 are
1. Season 3- Hospital MRI scene. *sniff*
2. Season 3- Motel. 'Scott, you're my best friend. You're my brother'
And of course
3. Season 6- episode 10. The ending. 'I need you. I'm gonna miss you'. *sniff sniff*
What is your favourite?


Those are my favorite scenes as well. Motel California is probably my top favorite. But the ending of episode 6/10 really made me cry. I love their bromance, too.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


Here are my favorites. Some are light-hearted, some ... not so much.

SEASON 1 - Their very first scene together, when Scott steps onto the front porch and finds Stiles hanging upside down in front of him. That scene cracks me up. It's a shame Dylan blacked out, though.

SEASON 2 - The scene in the season finale, when Scott and Stiles are practicing lacrosse and Scott uses his werewolf abilities - after promising Stiles that he wouldn't.

SEASON 3A - The moment in, "Motel California," when Stiles tells Scott that he's his brother.

SEASON 3B - The hospital MRI scene.

SEASON 4 - The lacrosse practice scene, when Stiles is barely able to stand up and Scott i supporting him.

SEASON 5 - When Scott and Stiles reconcile.

Those are the ones that stand out in my mind. I have some catching up to do on season 6. I'll get back to you on my favorite moment.

By the way: Here's the link to an article with a video tribute to Scott and Stiles' friendship. Enjoy!

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."


The moral California scene, the Mri scene, I think it's 3x11 when Scott goes with Deucalion and stiles is like we always a plan b & Scott said not this time. That scene was right after his mom was taken by the darach.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.
