MovieChat Forums > Teen Wolf (2011) Discussion > Bye Scott, Lydia and Stiles

Bye Scott, Lydia and Stiles

Looks like we won't be seeing them in 6b. To be honest, not really interested in watching if that's truly the case.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


Well, they're all going off to college. So get ready for Liam, Haywagon, Mason, Corey, and Theo. What a joyous thought!

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


Supposedly, Tyler Posey and Holland Roden are confirmed for 6B.

Ryan Kelley, Cody Christian, and Dylan Sprayberry are also confirmed.

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I hope that's true. Now if the writers will just give Scott something interesting to do, it might be ok.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


Haven't they been filming 6B with all the cast?


People don't leave for college the day after they graduate high school. This is silly. They should have 6B be the summer between h.s. and college. They were talking about summer school in class, too. Stiles didn't finish school so he can't graduate because he was "gone for months", and Malia is going to summer school. The end of the last episode was so rushed and didn't make sense.


Stiles didn't finish school so he can't graduate because he was "gone for months",

I'm not sure how you got this impression? It was stated plainly in the episode that Stiles was graduating and would be leaving for DC soon to go to GWU. The only person that wasn't graduating from the seniors was Malia.

He was giving Scott his jeep he wouldn't have done that if he had to stick around for Summer school.


Maybe he took make up tests or something. Hey, this is Teen Wolf we're talking about. Anything is possible in the Teen Wolf universe!

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


That's possible especially since the show didn't bother to tell us. I'm used to this show's terrible continuity but just once it would be nice to see the consequences to things that happen!


Well he technically wasn't gone for three months considering no one remembered him, with everything back to normal, it was like he was there the whole time and therefore could still graduate with the others.


Why does everyone think that all the main cast wont be back?? Yeah, I cannot possibly think of any way to write a story with them ๐Ÿ˜–



They might come back. I mean they haven't graduated yet, did they? If not, then maybe Jeff Davis is planning to make 6B to be based around Graduation. If they gonna plan to end Teen Wolf big then they will need to do it with a big story


All three will be in 6B.
