MovieChat Forums > Teen Wolf (2011) Discussion > What a pathetic ending to a season that ...

What a pathetic ending to a season that started good

Not all seasons were perfect but they did hold there own but this last season was just terrible I mean they surely archived their goal of killing this show


I agree. The plot line was ridiculous. The Ghost Riders, the Nazi Werewolf, Demon Claudia, the return of Theo, and instant five minute Stydia. Dreadful. A lot of the episodes were just filler. And the final episode was rushed and chaotic. The only good scene was Stiles and Scott at the end. I have a feeling that 6B won't he any better. Or maybe even worse than 6A.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


Naahhh please don't tell me we getting 6B of this trash, this series has became unwatchable it should just end like this


Ya I was kinda disappointed and left is 6b gonna go considering it seems everyone is off to college..this could only go 3 ways I think 1 there will be a time jump and they all return home from college or 2 none of the main cast will be in 6b and it would just be liam and his friends or 3 its summer before college (malia said she needs to attend summer school) but the way it ended with stiles handing over his jeep almost seems like summer has ended already.


He gave him the jeep at school. The day school ended. Its the beginning of summer.


Stiles gave Scott the jeep, because Stiles is already leaving for college. For some reason. Finding a place to live in D.C., getting a part time job, early enrollment in college, a hot date there, something. So he is leaving Scott, Malia, and Lydia behind. They will be there for the summer, and will be facing a new dangerous enemy. And they will be part of Liam's pack. Liam, the new alpha. Oh, joy.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


i really know how to suck the joy out of the world 😒

PS: I absolutely detested the last episode. a few funny scenes don't make up for the rest. it was a complete cluster F%#k!

PS2: No old gang, then i quit this show.

Who needs a signature?!


I'm sorry. 😢

But I don't think that 6B will have Stiles in it. It will probably have Scott, and Lydia, and Malia. But the main focus will probably be Liam and his pack. 😭

And I agree about the last episode. They crammed about three episodes into one. It was chaotic and frustrating.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


OzOverTheRainbow - Do you KNOW that is how the rest of the season will go or is it speculation? I don't recall anything in the last episode that indicated that he was going to school early. I mean, he said Lydia was driving him and all but a timeline wasn't mentioned that I picked up on. I guess I'll have to watch it again.


mrumble-704-31166 - I'm right there with you on scenario #3. Very confusing. It seemed to me that it was the last day of school with the summer ahead of them. But then why did it seem like some big goodbye, giving away his baseball bat and jeep (which by the way was a totally different jeep than in "Radio Silence")? I guess OzOverTheRainbow's explanation is the only thing that makes sense. I guess I missed something. But if that is a goodbye to Stiles, I will have no interest in watching anymore.


I hope there is a time jump. I would like to see what everyone is doing after college.
