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So does anyone know when part 2 will air?

Season 6 part 1 is over next Tuesday and i am just wondering whether there is any news on when part 2 will air?

I hope it's the Summer and not the Fall

Season 6 part 1 has been the best season since season 3 - even without DoB (whom i miss completely) i still think it has been very strong

Btw - where are these rumours coming from that DoB won't be in part 2??? yeah he was injured - but in what way does that mean he won't be in part 2 in any capacity???
Part 1 can not be the end for Stiles - if it is then Jeff is a F'n idiot for not waiting for him to recover from his injury


I heard that the wait wont be long at all and the show will be back by the end of February.


I hope that's true - i hope they don't do what PLL did and give it an extra long break for no reason


It might have just been speculation, but I read somewhere Season 6 is supposed to finish prior to Scream airing in the summer. But I don't think it's coming back in February. That seems too soon after making a big deal about taking a break. My guess would be March.


He filmed 6.10 for a week in December and he hasn't been on the set since then. According to production crew members, he only had eight days to film before prep work for Death Cure started.

There's a small chance he filmed something for 6B, maybe a scene for the finale.

Anyway, on me of the crew members posted a photo in instagram (orvwas it Twitter) thanking Dylan for wrapping up filming for season six and for past six years on the show. The tweet/whatever was later changed to say 'for 6A' but it's obvious why they changed it.


Prep work for the Death Curse has not yet started for the actors. Only some of the crew is already in South Africa to prep the set.

Dylan doesn't have anything to do right now. The Death Cure is supposed to start filming in the Middle of March. I guess the actors will fly to South Africa at the end of February.

Dylan is free at the moment but that doesn't mean that he'll film anything for TW. He's clearly done with the show.


Dylan was already fully recovered in July. But after his accident he decided to sign on to American Assassin, a movie that was filmed from October until December (when most of TW season 6b was filmed). He filmed some scenes for s6a episode 10 during 4 days in December.

Jeff isn't an idiot for not waiting for him to recover. Dylan was already recovered, knew when s6b would film but decided to sign on to another movie that was filming during that time. And he would also have time at the moment to film for s6b (TDC starts filming in March) but Dylan clearly is done with TW and has tried to avoid filming for it as much as possible.

Sure, Jeff could wait for him until after TDC filming. But who can guarantee him that Dylan doesn't just do the same than he did with American Assassin? Dylan knew of the TW filming schedule and signed on to another project anyway. Dylan doesn't care for TW anymore.


It isn't that Dylan doesn't care for TW any more. I'm sure that he loves the show and everybody on it. The show made him a star, and I'll bet that he will always be grateful for that. It's just that he now has a busy film career. And he has a life. I'm sure that he wants to spend as much time with Britt and with his family as he can. He's been loyal to Teen Wolf for five years. We should all be glad of that and happy for him. I'll always love Dylan, and I want him to have a great career and a wonderful life.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


I'm sure Dylan loves everyone who works on and for TW but the show itself I'm sure he's over. The writers and Jeff have made his character a shadow of what it is (as well as everyone else's), there's plot holes galore and it doesn't seem to be a very organized set. For someone like Dylan, who has seen and been a part of bigger productions, this would be a nightmare. I know that it was a nightmare for Hoechlin, who had enough of Jeff swatting down his ideas at every turn. He left. If Hoechlin had enough, it would be tenfold for Dylan. He was loyal but he knows that the show has run its course.


This summer


Yeah i saw that the end of the 6A finale :( although i'm in no rush considering it's looking extremely unlikely that Stiles will be in it


Dylan O'Brien confirmed that he will indeed be in Season 6b.

I reckon it will start the same day as Scream Season 3. And if last year's premiere date of Scream is any indication of when that will be, it will premiere the day after Memorial Day.


That article appeared in some fan newsletter and someone posted it to Teen Wolf Wikia. It is ficticious. It is not from Dylan O'Brien's website. He has not made any statement about appearing in 6B. It is unlikely that he will appear in 6B, because they are filming it now and he has not been on the set since he filmed 6A/10. And he is leaving for South Africa to film Maze Runner 3. People need to get real and stop living in a fantasy world. He is not appearing in 6B.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


Dylan didn't confirm anything! This news came from the teenwolf wikia who apparently has a source that said 6x10 wasn't Dylan's last episode.

Even if 6x10 wasn't Dylan's last episode he hasn't yet filmed anything for 6b and they have been filming since October so it's unlikely he'll play a major role. In an interview recently Jeff Davis himself said Dylan wasn't confirmed to return.


Teen Wolf 6A has just finished so 6B won't be on until later this year
