Mid season finale

Well that was pretty poor...the whole episode was bad. There were 2 good moments in there. 1.Stiles came back. 2. Stiles reunion with Scott & Lydia. Davies & co could have made the finale a whole lot better. The way Mr.Douglas was defeated was ridiculous in my eyes. They should have made the fight between him & Scott much longer where Scott defeated him.

Was that the end for Dylan O'brien?? Seems he might not be in 6B...If the rumours are true he will only be in the finale.

For the first time I have to say I'm dreading the final 10 episodes of TW...the main cast will be (Alpha) Liam, Hayden, Corey, Mason & Theo...I hope to God they don't make Liam an Alpha somehow !! I hope they keep him as a beta.

They need to focus on the original pack and they're graduation and the others in the background, while a badass villain an comes along.

I know I have said it before but they need to focus on Scott more and his True Alpha abilities more. Since nobody knows what they are and what he is capable of. I hope that he can transform somehow. Like when fighting the next villain and musters all of his powers and becomes a true alpha form :-) - Won't happen though...


Writters themselves don't know what True Alpha powers are.
They only made him a True Alpha to prove Scott was >>>>> to Dereck at the time, but they didn't do anything with it.
