Review *spoiler free*

The dialogue was poorly written in a lot of spots. But the acting was good.
Every character has a reasonable motive aside from a scene or two.
I never read the book so i don't know if it was originally a gay couple. Having the gay couple makes a lot of character sense for their motives and opinions.
Some people may see agendas, but I saw character's dealing with a crazy situation in a fairly reasonable way.

I liked it. It's not the best movie or the worst. It doesn't stand out among horror films. Theres no specific scene that wowed me.
You won't need to see it in theaters. It's tight in its scope and would be just as good on a TV.



Was it a gay couple with a Chinese kid purely for woke, or was their sexuality and race actually necessary for the plot?

Were straight white male characters portrayed more negatively than others?


No, it wasn't really woke so much. I read a synopsis of the book and that was what it had for the family. When the other characters come in, they're not portrayed as bigots. They're portrayed as tortured beings dealing with visions that the audience never sees. They even try to explain that it's not a gay bashing situation. It adds to the reactions of the family which is appropriate consthe story.


The couple's sexual orientation is directly integrated into their characters and the plot. As for the adopted kid, it definitely could have been any race but that's why it doesn't really stand out either.


It is frustrating that Shyamalan's weakness still seems to be the woodness of his script. But yeah, you're right, he's able to pull out these great performances nevertheless. But yeah, strong cast across the board. Even the kid.
