MovieChat Forums > Knock at the Cabin (2023) Discussion > Why would these people be so willing...(...

Why would these people be so willing...(Spoilers)

to kill themselves? They was just ordinary people, Redman was a lowlife bigot redneck, the waitress had a kid, you telling me a vision or whatever has them full on dedicated to killing themselves no questions asked if this couple didn't choose to be sacrificed?

That seems like some serious cult level dedication to something they really didn't know anything about. I just didn't buy that cause they had a vision one day they was 100% willing to commit suicide to supposedly prevent them from coming true. Doesn't feel like something you would easily commit to doing and not think for a second what you're doing might not even work.

Especially Redman, he seemed like a huge asshole that wouldn't give a shit or care enough to even entertain the thought of it even if he had some kind of vision.


This whole story was not only unconvincing but was absolutely ridiculous. Too farfetched to be taken seriously.
How does the fate of the world come to depend on the actions of a certain anonymous gay couple/adopted daughter? Also in the movie it was mentioned that when one of them kills themself another plague would be released.
If they were so concerned about the fate of the world then why would they want to make a bad situation worse?
I realise that this is a supernatural horror tale but even most of them have some coherent understandable logic to them.
This one doesn't.


They didn't willingly go to the Cabin, they were forced.


Everything you said here. 💯. But also the movie has some unanswered questions that I wish M. Night would have at least addressed even subtly or even cryptically. He didn't even do that. I feel like this film has potential. There's just a lot of in-scene detail that's missing.


i guess they found jesus.


The 4 horsemen were shown horrifying visions to force them to comply. These visions would've been so realistic and continued nightly. Once they stopped resisting, they were shown the cabin and the weapons to construct.

The 4 horsemen didn't commit suicide. There was an Angel present to carry out god's will. The Angel possessed them to kill the others in the group and then the final suicide.


Okay, that makes more sense.


None of that is even hinted in the movie


Yes it was, it completely went over your head.
