MovieChat Forums > The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Discussion > Anyone spot the 'killer' immediately?

Anyone spot the 'killer' immediately?

I thought from the first shot of Martin that he was guilty, it almost ruined the film it seemed so obvious, but the story behind it all made up for it. Anyone else?


Well, I had read the book and seen the Swedish movie, so I knew who the killer was.

But Stellan was excellent in the role. That's all that matters!


I honestly kept guessing until the reveal!

Forever waiting for a Fincher Resident Evil movie


Figured it was gona be Martin or the Lawyer. Didn't ruin a thing because the setup was spot on.


it seemed to me like it was going to have to be him because who else was there really to put it on?


Stellan SkarsgÄrd just has that look about him that says "I could kill if I really wanted to and maybe I want to." Steven Berkoff (Dirch Frode) had my vote for a while. The character was in such a wonderful position to pull the murders off and his resistance toward the end was suspicious.

Watta ya lookn here for?


Yes, I had a feeling it was him as soon as they were drinking wine, having dinner. He just had that look about him, I knew it was going to be him. Kind of disappointing....

I hide behind a mask


Not me. I'm usually so gullible when it comes to whodoneits. I had first seen Dragon Tattoo (2011) in the theatre without seeing the Swedish film and without knowing a thing about the books, so I went into this story completely oblivious to the horrors within.

The scene between Martin and Mikeal in the kitchen had me electrified with suspense as things began unfolding.

Ignore the trolls! Any failure to do so will only grant them the satisfaction they seek!


In the book, no... In the movie... yes... He just seemed a little too creepy and "off" from the beginning... granted, I read the books first, so I knew it was him, but still...The writers should take a note from Dan Brown, he's great at hiding the bad guy in the good guy's clothing, lol!


No writer should ever take notes from Dan Brown.




Once the reader made the connection that it was two killers then Martin was the obvious choice.


It was a bit obvious, but then again, he never killed Harriet. That was the real twist.

Nolan Haters -


It was a bit obvious, but then again, he never killed Harriet. That was the real twist.

Exactly. When I read the book I figured Martin was the killer. The real kicker is that A) Harriet isn't dead, and 2) Martin had nothing to do with her disappearance.


Well, she was fleeing from him but he didn't know what had happened to her


lol yeah same thing happened to me, you do not cast Skarsgard as a bad guy, it's just too obvious. That very first shot of him which was a POV shot, he looked so creepy and guilty, I thought to myself that must be him, he fits it so well.


you do not cast Skarsgard as a bad guy, it's just too obvious

Not really, since by my count Christopher Plummer and Steven Berkhoff have both played more iconic villains than Skarsgard has.

The Angels Have the Phone Box


Nope - Especially as he was the one urging the family to let daniel Craig continue when they all were against him continuing his investigation.
