Seriously overrated

Based on the rating I expected a special movie experience. But the movie turned out to be quite bad. Too violent to the point of being gory, as well as slow and predictable.

A good movie kind of sucks you in and keeps you interested throughout the movie. This one was just boring, from start to finish.

Can only be recommended to teen boys, who for some reason during a certain age want to look at all the gore there is. Not for adults.


For many of us it's less about wanting to look at all the gore and just accepting that gore is part of what we experience in life. I don't seek out gore, it just doesn't bother me at all, I've sat with people drowning on their own blood, seen people have their viscera blow out their stomach (after stupidly deciding to move a couch after hernia surgery no less) and nothing in a movie really touches on that...we're bags of meat and if you're going to have a movie about a vicious brutal serial killer, you kind of have to accept that reality. If that sort of thing bothers you, then don't watch violent films.

If you can look beyond that though, this movie's graces come from the fact that the gore is actually contextualized effectively within an engrossing, interesting psychological definitely sucked in everyone I showed it to, from middle aged mothers to grandparents. Honestly, if you think this is gory I'd hate to see your reaction to something like A Serbian Film or Martyrs, this is tame in comparison.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


Great post.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Right. Sure you've sat with people drowning in their own blood. On WWW, everyone is cool.


It's not all that unusual, my father died of cancer that had metastasized to his lungs, he actually died when a tumor perforated his lung and he asphyxiated in his own blood. Not particularly violent, but I assure you it's a thoroughly unpleasant way to go and not at all uncommon in such circumstances.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


Awful experience m8, i'm sad to hear about that. I've seen loved ones die/dead but I can't imagine having to watch one choke on their blood..horrible.


there's one in every thread


Obvious troll is obvious.


It's HILARIOUS how stupid people have become nowadays. If someone has a different opinion - one that ISN'T SHEEP LIKE, like the masses - they're a troll. That's just as retarded as using the word "haters". Pathetic self justification. This movie sucked ass. The OP was right - this film is overrated. A violent, bloody stupid mess. Had me laughing at how awful it was from the very beginning during the crime scene... Total garbage.But hey, you like what you like. I'm not gonna be 5 years old and call you a "troll"...hahaha wtf is this baby talk nonsense anyways? "Troll" stupid, just like this 'film'.

You deal with it.


Well said, jritty.


ur a big fat troll as well


Retarded kid is retarded.


Original comments are original.


Fair enough. Some people dont do well with violence. Or just used to hollywoods toned down stuff


Yeah I agree.. Good acting and beautiful cinematography but muddled storyline, ridiculous contrivances, revelling in gore so that the violence loses its impact, melodramatic, predicable and sooo slow!


It actually sounds like you're a kid yourself, Saying a movie 'sucked ass' is very mature of you, also saying 'wtf' This film is great, It reminded me why i love movies, I enjoyed it very much, and thought it was entertaining. This film actually was supposed to be funny at times, Most Korean filmmakers add humor to their movie, But you wouldn't know that because you can't properly review or criticize a film.


I'm not a teen boy and thought this film was excellent, it balanced the violence with thrilling moments

Love of my lifes art below


I thought it was okay. I found the lead character to annoying in the way he handled himself and put other people at risk. They guy let a monster go several times and each time the monster raped or killed someone. Why wouldn't his step father stop him rather than encourage him?

If the above doesn't bother the viewer, then the viewer will likely love this movie. Unfortunately for me, it bothered too much that I could only just like this movie.


I enjoyed the movie but at first thought it was ridiculous that the agent let the killer go. But then I started to consider the movie a tragedy, in the Greek sense, and the agent suffers for his hubris.


I think it was ridiculous as well, not that he let him go to chase him again, but that he would not make sure the killer couldn't hurt anybody else. This should have been a major thing for him considering he was a cop, and he also lost somebody at the killers hands. Also, the finale was a bit dissapointing.

So I couldn't love this movie either, I just liked it, for it's acting and atmosphere.


Others safety wasnt his concern at that point. He was out for vengeance. Obviously he quit being a secret service agent after and went on a rampage.


Meh, it is underrated imo. 67% average in reviews or something, it is much better than that imo. Alot of modern horror/thrillers are meh but this was very well done.


this movie is awesome, it has it all and is very well done


It's a good film, but yeh a bit over-rated. Mostly in just how much violence one guy can survive really takes away from the realism that the film was trying to establish


I agree, there is a problem with highly rated movies.

There is the individual expectation of what a highly rated great movie is, regardless of genre.

When a movie is hyped up, it's gonna fail to deliver, for many viewers . Ratings tend to skew expectations, one way or the other.

This causes a lot of movies to suffer from unrealistic expectations. The only movies that are fair game should be big budget blockbusters.

If this movie was found accidentally while cruising the video store, I'm sure more viewers would respond favorably.

So no, "it's not seriously overrated"

It's a good twisted tale of morality.
