MovieChat Forums > Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da (2010) Discussion > Some things that I found weird...

Some things that I found weird...

So I decided to rent this film yesterday. The cover spoke of a 'masterpiece' and compared it to films like Se7en and Silence of the Lambs. I didn't see the devil, but what I did see was, let me put it this way: quite ridiculous.

This serial killer has his head bashed into a rock several times and his arm broken, and the next day he's handling a shotgun no problem with hardly a headache at all. After having undergone some quite gruesome torture, he decides to go and rape a nurse the next day. There he has his achilles heel sliced through, yet somehow he manages to walk, hardly limping. So he goes to his human-meat-addicted friend with his left arm broken and his achilles heel sliced through, yet he manages to put up quite a fight against the very fit and healty hunter-guy that's avenging his girlfriend. He gets his head bashed in really severely with a metal pipe, blood gushing out and all, yet sure enough, the next day he's driving a car with nothing but a few blood stains on his shirt and forehead.
And about the prope he's forced to swallow. All these days he's had it in him, he never went poopoo even once? But sure enough, he eats a box of laxative and out comes the probe.
And the final scene. First he begs the vengeful hunter to get it over with and kill him. Mere seconds later he breaks down in tears and begs him NOT to kill him. Mere seconds after that, he has his tough-guy face back on and declares that he knows no fear.

Now I may not be 100% accurate here, I only watched this film once, but I think my point is clear, and if I wanted to I could watch it again and make an equally long second list of things that are completely laughable. Don't get me wrong, I found this film quite entertaining, but at the same time very, VERY bad. The guy taking revenge for his girlfriend did quite a decent acting job but otherwise the characters were completely inconvincing, and a lot of things that happened in the movie were ridiculous and downright impossible.

So, is this the masterpiece that was compared to Se7en and Silence of the Lambs, or did I watch another movie by mistake?


You are right on all counts.


Not sure about your timeline exactly, i think it may be a little different, but those points may still stand.

The laxative is explained by the protagonists friend, who says "if he doesnt have diarrhea, it should be okay."

The scene at the end is the killer messing with the protagonist again, or trying to. He doesnt beleive he can get to the point of pain and fear the protagonist describes. We see, later, that he can.


I want to say something but I cant. You are right. The other thing is- melee is korea thing. Im sure that they didnt find it weird. We know that one hit from a metal pipe could mean death. I watched a lot of asian movies and it didnt hit me as VERY bad at all.

As for the characters. If you would have watched Chaser, Oldboy, Bittersweet Life you would have loved them.

Just a taste thing i guess. What you must agree on - production was good.


Well Byung-Hun Lee first breaks the killers hand, cuts his achillies and obviously the last scene. This is the same 'order' the cannibal guy says to that girl "the order is arms, legs and head. Right?"

--A friend is a gift you give yourself--


Practically every movie has some unrealistic things happening in them. It's normal. Movies aren't all supposed to be realistic. We obviously know that bashing someone's head against a rock could kill them easily, but what fun would the movie have been if the guy just died during the very first fight and the movie ended? The only other thing they could've done was drastically reduce the amount of violence to bring it down to more realistic levels, but, again, what fun would that be?
