confused (heavy spoiler !)

how can a movie with such an incoherent scenario get rated that high ? (7.8 with about 67k votes at the time I am writing this, which is quite high for imdb)

***warning - heavy spoiler***

I am extremely confused as to why the hero kept releasing the killer, as opposed to just bringing him to a secured location, and dispose of him as he sees fit, without all the collateral.

He basically let him :
-Cause the death of 2 people in a taxi (even if those were bad guys, which was totally unpredictable, and seems to have been written that way only to "justify" this collateral, and tends to depict Korea as full of serial killers)
-That's just after he caught the guy raping a girl in the greenhouse
-Rape a nurse (suggestion of a forced bj, psychological impact on her in any case)
-Kill (?) a taxi driver in the bathroom
-Torture/death of his in-laws
And yet Kim didn't kill the cannibal serial killer and his wife while he was in their house even though it was clear they were also psychotic killers ?! (yeah ... don't bring up "law/justice" here, let me remind you the hero is playing hunter-torture, with the clear intention of killing Kyung-chul)


In short: He wanted the killer to suffer in the worst possible ways. Torturing him and releasing him over and over was his way of revenge. He got morally corrupt after his wife was murdered.


True what one84 said, I just want to add a little more:

The real bad guy was the main hero/agent/victim.
In the end who was the worse psychopath?

There is a saying "it takes one to know one"
and the killer was a *beep* up person no doubt about that,
but he found his master in a person who was a perfect member of the society.

The last scenes make it clear that "the devil" was our agent/vicitm.
Basicially you can say that in this movie there is no good vs bad,
it is bad vs worse and in the end the way more *beep* up person won.
