MovieChat Forums > Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da (2010) Discussion > Worst way to kill someone if you want re...

Worst way to kill someone if you want revenge.

I thought the film was stellar, but I felt that the method of decapitation was a quick and painless way to kill him. If I was in his position I would of burned his entire body until all the skin came off to where the red meat would be visible, then I would of proceeded in drenching his entire body with alcohol. If he was still alive after that I would of stuck needle in his eyes, face and rib area like the psycho chick did to that dude in the Japanese horror film "Audition."


Wow, that's *beep* up


Of, have, what's the difference, right?

Congratulations on being a superficial film viewer. Maybe go back and listen to/read his speech on true revenge.


Are you insinuating that Kyung-chul most painful moment was when he heard his family outside the door and knowing that they would be witnesses to his final moment in his physical body? If that's not what you're suggesting, then I don't quite understand why you're clarifying on the true revenge speech for, because he wasn't in his most painful moment nor was he trembling in fear, hence it was not as he put it "true vengeance." Superficial viewer my ass. Go eat a terd.


I think your family seeing your head roll to their feet is pretty hard to top.

Love of my lifes art below


If the movie set him up as someone who is ****** up, but still loves his family, then yeah - the guy didn't strike me as such, though.

The way it was shown, it was more punishing to his family, not him.

For him it was more like an embarrassment, not some soul-crushing torture.


Hm, okay. I'll bite. Since I just saw the film, I gave this a little bit of thought. If I was the protagonist, I definitely wouldn't finish him off so quickly. No, that's too easy...

First off, since I work for the government, I'd get my agent buddies to arrange to ship the guy off to some corrupt country in SEA (Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Phillipines - pick one) This is for a few reasons: 1) So the South Korean police will get off our tail 2) So I can pay off local police to stay out of my business 3) So I can rent some inexpensive house and hire cheap, morally ambiguous medical staff (I'll explain why in a second)

The infrastructure's all setup. When he wakes up, bound and gagged, explain to him he's going to live a long, long life, and die of old age in the room he's in. Just without the satisfaction of living. He's not going to feel any pleasure, or see daylight, or interact with the outside world aside from the nurse (Male nurse, of course) who comes in daily to feed and clean him. Tell him that once a month or so, he'd lose one of his body parts. But not giving him the satisfaction of knowing when, or which one, so he lives in a constant state of fear. Now schedule random surgeries to lop off something. Repeat until he becomes a total abomination of nature, without arms, legs, eyes, ears, nose, tongue. Basically frontloading the psychological trauma the first year or so while he's getting random body parts removed then let him slowly go insane after he's just a torso with a head. Not able to talk, not able to see, not able to hear, not able to move, not even able to kill himself, 24/7, 365.

I'd fund this for 20-30 years or so while I go about my own business. When I get tired or run of out funds, just dump the body in a river and call it a day.

Can I do better? :)


Are you alright? You need a hug?


Yeah, I would say that scenario would have been much more interesting. Its methodical and very personal, but would require an enormous amount of patience.


Yeah, I would say that scenario would of been much more interesting.
Seriously?? It's have!!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Dude, whoever you are we need to put the screenplay together and get it going now! I have been having that revenge fantasy of cutting off random body parts for the last 10 years we got to do it now


Have u seen Bloody Mary and The Secret In Their Eyes?
Bloody Mary has the chopping off of the body parts, and The Secret has someone locked up for a long, loooong time.


Holy sht you people are a bunch of fcking sociopaths. Please seek help immediately.

