Question! Please help

first, I have to say, I really enjoyed this movie. I know I know-it WAS predictable but the story was original and the acting was great.

Before the questions I need to clarify I watched this off Netflix and had to walk out of the room a few times to tend to the puppy! So, it's plausible I missed something

So for the questions: what happened to the sister in law? Last I saw, our antagonist beat the hell out of the chief/dad and then saw the sister come home and tackled her. Did I miss something because after that, I only remember seeing the antagonist get out of the can, covered in blood, to turn himself in

Also, I keep reading about the murder off the chief/dad? Again, unless I missed something, he's last seen on a gurney in his house, looking like poop, but squeezes the protagonists hand?

Please help clarify!!!!


They find the sister in law's body in an alley so she was murdered. As for the chief I don't remember him ever actually being killed.


he was killed.
