Was the agent wrong?

In his actions against that serial killer, should have have either killed or turned him into the police himself? Morally wise? Thanks.


Yes, Agent Kim was wrong not to arrest Jang. But Kim’s desire to repeatedly hunt, attack, beat and capture only to release the psycho killer that chopped up his Fiancé overpowers his better judgement.
In a way one can hardly blame Kim for wanting to stalk and abuse the beast as much as possible.

I’d say that Kim was dealing with grief in an unhealthy way as while it’s understandable that a guy would want to beat his Gal’s killer half to death over and over he let the killer go and Jang hurt more people.

It’s a Great South Korean crime thriller for sure.


Sometime it feels that death is not enough.

Was he wrong releasing the killer and allowing him to commit more crimes? 100%.

Was he wrong for not killing the killer and wanting a more satisfying revenge? I would say no, but the way he did it was wrong, while bringing us an amazing thriller .. lol
