MovieChat Forums > Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da (2010) Discussion > When the killer finally surrendered in b...

When the killer finally surrendered in broad day light covered in blood standing still with his hands up holding a knife

why were those cops and agents so slow to apprehend him and also it looked life they didn't even surround the area much with police cars and special "Police line, do not cross" notices? Couldn't they I don't know use a tear gas at him or at least tried to shout "Hey, get down on the ground, put the weapon down, hands behind your head" etc or get a team of Korean SWAT with weapons, bats and shields?

And when SPOILER - the agent shows up in his SUV car, reverses so he only has one door left and then grabs the killer, is it at all plausible that it would work out like that?

And why wasn't the police willing to follow the SUV whilst the agent was driving and also holding the struggling killer and didn't have any vehicles or even say radio for help and just let it slide like that?

And also... Did you find it sort of strange that on the street most people or cars just drove by when he stood there in plain sight with his knife up and covered in blood, and you don't see cars drive in panic or any by-passers running away screaming etc?

Or could this all be explained, thanks.
