MovieChat Forums > Soul Surfer (2011) Discussion > A Christain movie that isn't annoying!

A Christain movie that isn't annoying!

I'm not Christain, but, living in the area I do, I end up exposed to Christian movies and books a lot. Most of them, frankly, suck because if I'm lucky they're only boring. If I'm not they're evangelism in story form, and the message of "non-Christains are bad people" is barely concealed, even though my friends will swear up and down it isn't there.
Fireproof is an example of one movie I found particularly insulting, both on the intolerance and intelligence front!

Soul Surfer, I think, is what more Christian movies should aim to be. A good example, without being sanctimonious. They make it obvious that Bethany's faith helps her and her family through her accident, and that it's an important part of their lives. It's present and obvious, without being overbearing.

About the only thing I hated was Carrie Underwood as the youth pastor. The combination of her perfectly applied make up, sugary sweet sympathy looks, and hackneyed advice "never be ashamed of your compassion" just made me want to gag.


My beef with Carrie was that, after following her from Idol, by about 2010 she changed. She started demanding fans not take photos at concerts and stuff like that.
Then her fans tried to hijack Soul Surfer as 'Carrie's movie'. She was the only one in the film that I didn't 'buy'; It was just like watching her play herself instead of Sarah Hill.
I'm not so sure about her faith now either. She always thanks God & Jesus when she gets an award, but some of her songs are a little dodgy. I don't think there's even a Christian song on her new album!

Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. (Proverbs 3:27 GNT)


I think Carrie Underwood was OK as Sarah Hill; it wasn't that big a role, and if you look at the footage of the real Sarah Hill, Carrie does look a lot like her except much skinnier.

I do think that Carrie's Before He Cheats is one of the most UN-Christian, vindictive songs of any genre I've ever heard outside of Rap/Hip-hop. Whatever happened to "'Vengeance is mine,' sayeth the Lord."?


"I do think that Carrie's Before He Cheats is one of the most UN-Christian, vindictive songs of any genre I've ever heard outside of Rap/Hip-hop."

I kept thinking to myself---dang, remind me NOT to piss her off...


Well I don't think she has to have a Christian song on every album for it to count. As for some being dodgy, that's a good point but I can even forgive that because the person who has control of what songs are put out by the artist is highly complicated in the music industry.

However, her fans calling this "Carrie's movie", yeah that's not cool!



A Christain movie that isn't annoying!
As opposed to the 99.9999% of secular movies that ARE!


The thing is its not a "Christian" movie. It's a movie that shows how a girls faith got her through something horrific. It's not forcing beliefs on anyone it's a movie based on her life so they showed their faith.


The thing is its not a "Christian" movie.

It really isn't. However, I'm just glad to see an open-minded thread on the topic. I'm an atheist and didn't mind the religious aspects of the movie. In fact, they were head shaking funny sometimes.

As you said, the Christian ideals, responses, etc had to be in there because the movie is based on a real portion of someone's life who is of great "faith" plus the religious aspect wasn't being so much preached, just there.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!



Check out "Cutback" and "Abel's Field". These are faith-based films that really surprised me. They were actually inspiring.


If you're going to diss a movie genre (and a entire faith, no doubt), you might at least try spelling it right.


Jumping all over someone for a misspelling, you sure showed him.


Hi, nefertari86. Just to let you know that it's spelled as 'Christian' and not 'Christain' as you've misspelled it at least 3 times there.


christian or christain.

They're still idiots.


Even if the christian faith is full of inconsistencies, as any religion, it is very difficult to convert believers for various reasons. Just ask them what their God is and how he/she/it actually is and you will get very differing answers.
But that apart, the christian theme in this movie was acceptable because it seems to be a biopic and this person and her surroundings subscribe to this kind of faith on a broad basis, so it's got to be in there. So far so good or better mediocre as this movie is above average compared to other more intensely "christian" productions. I gave it a 4/10.
As long as faith in itself is not promoting hatred and a bad life for anyone not following it, so be it. Religion is sadly deeply engrained in human psychology and we as stewards of this planet have to unlearn it, just as the downgrading of women, children and races (whatever silly concept that is), just as torture, death penalty and slavery. It's a long journey but it's worth it.
