MovieChat Forums > Soul Surfer (2011) Discussion > Carrie's acting ability compared to Mar...

Carrie's acting ability compared to Mariah's

I noticed while reading many of the post that most posters are of the opinion that Carrie Underwood's first acting Job in the movie Soul Surfer was horrible! That is your opinion and I totally respect your opinions! Having said that, I respectfully disagree! For what little time Carrie had scenes, I think she did good, maybe not great but good none the less! I especially liked the scene where Sarah (Carrie) is talking to Bethany (AnnaSophia) about why GOD would allow her to have her arm bitten off by a shark! I think that she actually did well, especially if you compare her acting ability to, say, Mariah Carey! I felt that Mariah did horrible in the movie Glitter! Mariah seemed to improve, only marginally, in the movie Precious, but I still think Mariah is no actress! Now, if you compare Mariah and Carrie to Vanna White's (Wheel Of Fortune) acting ability (She did one and only one made-for-tv movie called Venus - the Goddess of Love (I think that is the name), Mariah and Carrie can act circles around Vanna, who was awful as an actress! At least that is my VHO! Once again, I do respect everyone's opinions! I just don't feel that Carrie did a lousy acting job! She may not be a great actress but she is not the worst actress!


I don't know anything about Mariah's acting ability, but I totally agree with you about Carrie! I thought she did a great job, especially in the scene you mentioned, about how could this be God's plan


I agree. The only time I thought she did bad was when she was talking to Bethany at thanksgiving and it just seemed forced. The rest of it was great I thought.
