MovieChat Forums > Z for Zachariah (2015) Discussion > In the book there is no 3rd man

In the book there is no 3rd man

And Loomis tries to rape Ann and she leaves. A better ending of the movie would have been if John tried to rape Ann and she was so upset over him murdering Caleb that she too would have left.


Even better, Loomis rapes Caleb while Anne plays a haunting hymn on the organ.


 Or...or...because of the radiation sickness Loomis develops mutant powers, kills Caleb accidentally while thinking jealous thoughts with his mutant-laser-ray-vision, and Anne and him go on to have many X-men mutant babies each with it's own super powers! 

Peace! 

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Cogs, that's funnier than shjt!! Nice!


I think the screenwriter borrowed some elements from The World, The Flesh and the Devil, too.


Hack writers tend to attempt reinvention of works that are above them.


I tend to agree with this, not specifically with this movie, but so many adaptations and even movie remakes try and "improve" the original and end up with something much worse. It annoys me especially when the source was already good and the "improvements" either detract or make it an "adaptation" in name only. Why get the rights to adapt or remake something if you are going to change so much, especially when its not something you are trying to just make money off the known title (eg Robocop).


Why get the rights to adapt or remake something if you are going to change so much, especially when its not something you are trying to just make money off the known title (eg Robocop).
 There's a simple, legal reason for this: Because, if you are inspired by the story, even indirectly, and go ahead and make a movie...and the movie is not 'different' enough...the estate or publisher of the book can sue you for and GET more money than if you just bought them out as a safety measure.

A lot of producers have regretted, in the end, not simply buying the rights.

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Yes, because Caleb is emotionally more important than her brother. They killed/erased a non existent character used only to summarize the weak bond between Jhon and Ann.

I find more interesting about where's the dog.
