MovieChat Forums > Z for Zachariah (2015) Discussion > "One of the best films of this year"

"One of the best films of this year"

Well, at least to Jason Gorber from TWITCH FILM.
His name can be seen in the trailer.
Every time I am baffled on why they hire drug addicts to review films and use their quotes.
Well, it's an assumption he is on drugs, but he has to be to make such a statement ffs.
Do these guys even watch these films, or do they get payed to make up reviews.

One of the best films of the year... Yeah right.

Signature? Signature Dish?


If it's one of the best films of the year, why is it going to be almost completely gone from theaters... on Friday?
These small indie films that also happen to be excellent find a way to stay in some theaters for a good long time.


Firstly it's one persons opinion and if they think its the best film of the year then that's their right. Secondly why bother with keeping it in theaters when it is released on VOD and the following month being released kn DVD. It's not like people are going to flock to the cinema when they'll get to see it at home either on the net or DVD pretty soon.

But it hasn't done bad for itself considering it's release.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


Yes, I should have mentioned that I personally prefer going to the cinema over watching something on VOD. I don't think it's asking too much for a theatrical release in major cities to go on a bit longer, not even of a small film.
Mind you, I won't lose any sleep over this, but it's the first time since I can't remember when that a strongly praised film (NYT Critics' Pick) is going to disappear from theaters this quickly.


I agree with you. On the same theme I liked "The Survivalist" (also 2015) a lot more. If I had to choose a "best film of 2015" and I had to do it between these two movies, I'd go for "The Survivalist" without any doubt.


I just watched it cause of Margo Robbie. The film is well shot but mediocre at best. I didnt read the book so have no idea if the source material is same. But I found the film very wishy washy.

Can this really be the be stuck inside of mobile
with the Memphis blues again.


A real hidden gem of a movie!

Excellent performances all round, but I was particularly impressed with Chris Pine, who gave a fantastically nuanced performance and I never thought I'd hear myself say that about him!

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