MovieChat Forums > Z for Zachariah (2015) Discussion > I don't like how they make us decide the...

I don't like how they make us decide the ending that's stupid

The first time I saw this I was mad Caleb was blocking hard. I felt John was entitled to Ann cuz he was their first they bonded first and it sucks to fall in love with someone n it coulda been like a dream come true for John and to have it snatched away I wouldn't wish that on him. But man I must say as much as I want to have sympathy for John he was slippin up. You had the advantage she was ready multiple times. I know you wanted to be a gentleman but once celeb came into the picture you gotta bring the guns out close the deal get you w comfortable lead. Caleb swooped in kind of in a fair way. John fell asleep got caught sleepin litterally lol shouldn't of been messin around. With that being said ayy you gotta do what you gotta do so I ain't mad at John for killing Caleb


Firstly no one is entitled to anyone, just because that person got there first doesn't give you the right. And I don't mind leaving us viewers to decide what happened, it's a talking point and it's interesting to read other peoples opinions.


He's entitled if that's who she wants. Like I said John slipped up so it was fair game but if John would've been sleeping with her and they were together Caleb needs to respect that "UNLESS" she comes onto him. As far as leaving it to us that's stupid then I could just make up the entire movie and not even watch it. The only thing worst than telling the end is not telling the end LOL if that makes any sense but whatever I just wanna know and not be w spectator making guesses and assumption


Soon as I read the word "entitled" I was like oh dear someone's going to burn him for that. That being said, I was rooting for John too and I can see where you were coming from, he was being the gent to the point I was wondering if he was going to make a move on Captain Kirk instead. He snoozed and he losed. Then he decided it was either be a third wheel for the rest of his life or drop kirk onto the wheel.IMO Kirk never made any hint he was going to ever move on. So he dead...


No one is entitled to anyone that is correct, she was young never been with a man and suddenly she had two men at her door step. She fell for john which was very natural and she wanted to take things further, john thought he had plenty of time so he wanted to respect her. When caleb came into the picture she was still all for john but she did begin to connect with caleb who knew exactly how to woo her.

The night she did it with caleb they were all drank especially john. She went to him and when she found him asleep she made the choice to go to caleb, you could see her guilt the next morning.

I believe she loved both men in different ways.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"
