MovieChat Forums > Z for Zachariah (2015) Discussion > What I would have done...

What I would have done...

Firstly, I wouldn't have acted like a beta male, and would have banged her ages ago. She wanted him way before any competition arrived, so he should have jumped all over that opportunity. I definitely would have been all over her.

Secondly, I would have made it clear to the competition that she's my girl. When he made the joke bet and said "Ann" for the stakes, I wouldn't have let that go. He would have been sent on his way long before things got so serious between them.

John was a beta male, he wasted an opportunity and basically ruined what he could have had.

You think that's air you're breathing now?


I would have been trying to smash that the first day I was up on my feet. Anyways I thought John was going to smash dudes face the morning after he banged the girl. But John was a weak pathetic man.


Maybe the guilt over killing her brother and the radiation sickness had affected his "performance". The "we have all the time in the world" line may have been a cover story, as that is the worst possible way of thinking for a man going after a woman. Ann found Caleb the next day.

John reacted angrily to Caleb's joke bet for Ann, but yeah, he should have laid down the law. Maybe he didn't want to guard the hen house and watch his back (everyone was armed) at the same time. Another man's help to build the wheel would speed things up.

I did think John might go OJ when Caleb touched Ann at breakfast. Dude was asking for it. I guess he didn't want to do it in front of Ann. Dude feel asleep drunk one time and that was all it took. He knows Ann gets loose when she drinks, so that is on him.
