MovieChat Forums > Z for Zachariah (2015) Discussion > Anybody else wondering THIS....

Anybody else wondering THIS....

If they really are the only 3 people on Earth the only way to rebuild the human race would be for her to crank out as many babies as she can maybe a couple dozen over many years and BOTH men need to have sex with her to provide as much genetic diversity as possible.

AND they need to get their children (I know this sounds sick) to have incest with each other and a lot of it, even though it is not that great for the gene pool for a few hundred years at least incest will have to be legal and encouraged.


I'm finished XD


With what?


Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


That is exactly the thing that all the followers of the three abrahamic religions believe that happened in the begining of humanity... Oh sorry, there was only one man in there... Even worse!


Human Creation myths from a single couple are nowhere near exclusive to Abrahamic religions.


Yep , remember Adam and Eve in the bible...


This is true. It would be far better to have children with both men in the event they never met others.
Of course, they'd always have the hope that sometime in the future they would likely find some other survivors with children to dilute the gene pool. Or that their children could.


Even if she had children with both.. what would their grandchildren do? Or great-grandchildren. It would be a bit of a genetic mess I would think. You'd need more people

-How many times do you have to make the same mistake?
-Till I get it right.


Surely the 2 men would have sex with each others offspring as well?


Thats what i was thinking but still can only go so far before incest is happening. Not to mention the fact that child birth would be dangerous without proper medical care, what happens if something goes wrong neither men are doctors.

The question would be would you want to bring a child into a world like that knowing full well that any if not all the adults could die. The child could still end up all on their own, there is so many possibilities of things going wrong.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


The female is 15 or 16? A healthy female with some luck can have a dozen offspring survive to adulthood.

chances are great that if you go back a couple hundred years you would find many female ancestors that did exactly just that. Women who survive the first childbirth have much higher chance of surviving subsequent births.

Secondly in a good deal of the human animal's history life expectance of adults was about 40.

Thirdly, on incest, LOTS of generic advances, almost certainly including several of the ones that moved humans along from primates, are in fact the result of severe genetic bottlenecks.

You have to also consider that the two survivors already a disparate genetic mix. You'd likely have more genetic variety in your genes if these two, a NW European and an African were ALL of your great grandparents than if you were the product of Appalachians stock to Appalachian stock from the same state.

Lastly what make you certain these are the only survivors?


Yes but still women dying during child birth was very very high 100s of years ago.

We don't know if there's any more survivors if there's three there's probably more out there, but the likelihood of them finding more wouldn't be great.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


I'm confused... Who said they were the last 3 people on Earth? They certainly didn't! Not even indicated that.

John didn't believe that 300 people city existed, that doesn't mean he believed the entire planet was deserted. Surely a scientific man, would think that if a valley surrounded by wasteland had survived, countries with bigger geographic advantages like mountains and less likely to be direct targets of the nukes (assuming it was nukes) must have people, lots of people still alive.

If, he was a religious man, who thought that valley was protected by God or something, than maybe he would have thought about repopulating the planet, but he wasn't. He talked about making long term plains, indicating their survival and their kids if there were kids.

On the absence of thinking they were the last humans on earth, he did what primal humans always did throughout history, eliminated the competition...


Why should the human race be rebuilt at all?
