MovieChat Forums > Contagion (2011) Discussion > Most unthrilling film i have ever watche...

Most unthrilling film i have ever watched.

This movie was Hoorible. I went to the movies to watch it with my sister and brother-in-law and we fell asleep during the first 10 minutes. I never give movies a rating of 1 because it would take an unbelievably horrible movie for that, but this film is in that category. Matt damon is a good actor but he was abhorrent in this movie.

A Cat's name is only known to the cat himself.


Sorry it didn't have more breasts, machine guns, explosions, head shots or teen sex for your tastes.

Perhaps a good Vin Diesel movie is better suited to your liking?


Hasn't the "you couldn't handle the greatness of this movie because it didn't have enough explosions" argument run its course? I mean I don't want to be judgmental because I've used it, but it's on every board for every movie now.

I liked the movie. But, I see the OP's point. This movie had nothing to say. It had no point of view. While I'm glad it didn't make some pharmaceutical company a particular diabolical nemesis - what a cliche (though true enough) - or the government the arch threat, it literally was only a snapshot of a series of events.

Sometimes I can dig that (love Robert Altman films) and I didn't have any trouble staying awake or being entertained, but I did kinda feel cheated at the end. What was the point? In this movie, we didn't get a POV, any editorial content, any particularly interesting insight or even storyline resolutions, for the most part.

At some point, the audience can legitimately feel an expectation for something beyond the projection of stored moving images.


I loved this movie. Everyone has different opinions and I don't argue. The reason this is one of my favorite movies is because of Soderbergh's cinematic style. Its a "director's film." Even if it has nothing to offer or even a recycled plot, I just sit back and enjoy it because they could either engage you or at least pass the time (like Dennis Dugan's films when I go to the discount cinema). For me, this was top dollar entertainment.

Its a comfort film, one I could watch over and over again.


I am watching this again (even though the subject matter freaks me out) I cannot understand the criticism of this movie. The cast is great and the virus, travel from foreign countries, the effect it has, what is not to like?



Indeed. Critic these days seem to be very shallow people.


This movie had nothing to say. It had no point of view.

I disagree strongly.

I can't convince myself that you are honest about it not having anything to say. Every movie has something to say. Though, some do more, some do less. A movie of Rambo has not much to say, it's just entertainment.

This movie however, is clearly informative.

An objective point of view is a point of view too. Its a point of view that science wants to take.


The movie had nothing to say? Are you stupid or were you just drunk while watching? There is commentary all over the place...political interests vs. business interests vs. the interests of the common man, the balance between personal gain and altruistic responsibility, the dangers our society faces if we were to encounter a novel virus with an R nought greater than 1...there's so much gravity to every decision every character makes. Get the *beep* off this board.


That's what I'm talking about! They could've opened with Paltrow's character really riding the f out of her lover instead of that boring bar scene. Maybe they could've had more gun fights during the rioting. Damon's character could've pulled out a gun at the border! Oh oh! Maybe Cotilliard's character could've learned to use a gun after Vin Diesel and Ice Cube come in undercover, they could've racked up some headshots on the villagers after WHO delivered the placebos. The governments could've dropped a couple bombs on the cities they thought were the most contagion-y. Who doesn't like teen sex? You know you wanted the Romeo and Juliet teens to sonsummate the relationship after prom. That would've been so romantic!


NOW you're talking! Lol.


There was one really good, attention-getting head-shot near the beginning. Ms. Paltrow looks good in everything. I enjoyed the movie a lot, but I'm a science-fiction fan. Sometimes you are given a lot of information instead of loud music or flashing lights.


Knock off he personal insults. I loved the film, but if the OP didn't, well that's OK. Everyone has a different opinion.



More like narcolepsy. Either that or they smoked a bale of weed before the lights were turned down.


So you didn't like it......and? Are you a film critic? Even if you were, what should happen now that some IMDB readers have been made aware that you didn't like this film?

More science, less fiction.

I'm guilty of 'Z.'



I think the movie bring out a well thought-out scenario for a catastrophe brought by a virus. However, it was one of the most flat movies I have ever seen.

Why is that? It's certainly not the acting, which despise some fake accents was good enough. No, it was just plain dull to watch, nothing to peak the viewers interest.


The best movie I have seen in 2 years! It was thrilling and kept me on the edge of my seat! And the message was chilling: We are unleasing all kind of deadly virusses onto our selfs by de-forestation and over population! Mankind will truly wipe itself out someday.


And it was very thoroughly researched too, which is what made it daunting to watch.



i agree completely lolmail. an intelligent film, but flat and dull.


...So you made sure to write a post about your opinion of the OP's opinion which is that his opinion is irrelevant and nobody cares.

Even if that was not hypocritical², just accept one simple thing: THIS IS A DISCUSSION FORUM. We are all here to express our opinions.


A 'discussion' would be not only welcomed, but wonderful. However, the op states that...

1. the film was "hoorible"
2. the film deserves a score of '1' on a scale from 1-10.
3. that he/she fell asleep within the first 10 minutes.
4. the actors we abhorrent.

Now with all of that said--and especially since op admits to falling asleep (meaning they didn't even see the film), where is the room for discussion?


And now you have written something intelligent.

In your first post you criticized the OP for
a) not liking the movie (according to the box office numbers not that rare) and
b) not being a film critic (also quite common)

Now you actually explain why you think his criticism is unjustified instead of telling him that if a) and b) apply, he should STFU.


I also fell asleep watching this the first time.

S you in your A's, don't wear a C, and J all ove r your B's.



I also fell asleep while watching the movie...


I came close. It flew out of the gate, most compelling, then it was like shutting off a ceiling fan - it just slowly churned to a stop. Yawnfest after the first half.


Awful film. No tension, no scary stuff, no action....nothing @!!! Such a waste of time and good actors!


You can't say you didn't like a movie if you didn't watch the whole thing. ESPECIALLY if you only watched 10 minutes!


I cannot fathom why I encounter so many "boring" comments. It is not an allegory, or a character study... it is a straightforward depiction of events. They are events which to me are interesting to think about, and very well presented. The events are the plot, and I am not sure what would make them seem more interesting or thrilling to people. Is it a stylistic thing? What does it take to make the pandemic death of a couple hundred million people eventful? Some dramatic monologues? Some music-swelling depiction of how a hundred days in quarantine have made somebody a more interesting and entertaining person?
