MovieChat Forums > Contagion (2011) Discussion > Less Epidemics In The Future?

Less Epidemics In The Future?

Despite our growing population with cities becoming denser, I think viral epidemics could be a thing of the past, thanks to technology. In the future most of our communication will be done through the internet without having to leave our homes. There will be less physical contact if we cut down on transportation and make more use of the internet. This will make viruses less mobile. Ironically technology in this current time, such as with airplanes, trains, buses allows viruses to spread globally. Long ago, the absence of these transportations quarantined infectious people their own towns as they can not travel so far. Futurist Ray Kurzweil made a prediction that we all be living virtual lives by downloading our consciousness into the internet. And that we will rarely meet each other physically. Sounds crazy but most of his predictions came true.



While you bring up the fact that current globalization can lead to a greater spread of epidemics, I think you miss the point that the same process actually helps decrease them significantly. With our global spread we are introduced to a great deal many more pathogens, and our immune systems strengthen because of that.

Take for example the Small Pox epidemic that hit the South Americas when Spain first arrived. Small Pox, while still deadly in Europe, became a massive crisis in the South Americas, killing more people through disease than actual war its self. The same with the Spanish Flu of 1918, which happened during World War 1 and the greater span of globalization. Had we been globalized before than, the affects of those diseases would be less pronounced.

But the chance of Epidemics happening in the future I feel are relatively slim. We have the capabilities of rapidly detecting diseases and shutting them down as quickly as they can possibly spread.

If you didn't shotgun a case of four loko and burn it all down, you did it wrong.


I hope your right @crustywaffle, Only time will tell.

Uh baby U 4got to pull out. 9 months later, can U pull this ucking baby outta me, do that @ least!


Long after humans die out, bacteria and viruses will survive.



It's not the only thinkable scenario.

I could be the other way around, but even more likely: they die out at about the same time.

Nanotechnology and AI will overtake the world. Replacing bacteria with even more beneficial nanobots, that e.g. clean and convert all waste into valuable resources.

At the same time, humans are upgraded into something else, something you wouldn't view as human anymore.

I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in the next century, all humans, viruses and bacteria have ceased to exist.


It depends where you live. I have friends who work Mccarran airport and some of the bigger casinos here in Vegas. We get together a lot and go to clubs that people from all over the world also go to. Some of us are school teachers and work with 100s of kids daily. A few also work at the hospital. I could see an epidemic starting and getting out of hand quickly.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.




Welcome to the future, sweet pea.
