MovieChat Forums > Contagion (2011) Discussion > So was Alan sick for real?

So was Alan sick for real?

Or was his just pretending so that he could advertise forsynthia?


The government ran blood tests on him following his arrest. Dennis French informs him that he never had the disease in the first place.


Ha Ha, in the midst of an apocalyptic epidemic he probably just had a normal flu


He didn't know, he assumed he had the virus and figured forsythia was what "cured" him. What a better testament to its miracle cure than that! Of course when he was told he didn't have MEV-1 he fell back on his tinfoil hat conspiracy thinking.


... and before he was arrested he did take some forsythia to Lorraine, pregnant reporter who had already died, so maybe he did believe it helped BUT he was trying to PROFIT from his being a PROPHET about the extract.
