MovieChat Forums > Contagion (2011) Discussion > can any one explain ???

can any one explain ???

so was jude law cheating the public ..or was the acusations made on him by the government false


Yes he was scamming the public.

He capitalized on peoples fear on a product he knew wasnt the solution.

He faked being sick and taking the false cure to trick them further showing it cured him.

My wife had the same question this morning.



i can tell you that ......basically website owners earn through pay per click ....and he had million visitors on his website ..the reason why he wasnt put in jail was because the people who made him rich bailed him out to



Yeah I think that was just because he liked that his blog followers came together to bail him out. He is still going to be charged by the government for his crimes, and he will also then be sued civilly by anyone who thinks they are owed compensation from him.


Can anyone explain why Jude Law's accent was all over the place?? Was he supposed to be working class/cockney British?...Australian or what? And No..I'm not an American who can't tell the difference, I come from London's east end and know a mockney accent when I hear one.


Yes I know what you mean, I found it offputting too. One minute he was sounding like a try-too-hard cockney, the next there were some definite Aussie inflections.


He's a conspiracy theorist. Not the retard type that thinks 9-11 was an inside job, but a more dangerous type.

If you want to read up on a real-life Jude Law, look at what Jenny McCarthy has done, or go to the Jenny McCarthy Body Count website. The fear and lies surrounding vaccinations and various side effects are very much real-life issues and an example where hype and fear can cause harm.


I couldn't agree more that we are over-vaccinated from the time we are born. When my children were young, we were forever being called in to the dr. office for this or that vaccination. If I knew then what I know now, I'd pitch quite a fuss about it. But now, they can't get into school without certain innoculations. We have no choice. I'm afraid that we're on our way to building that super-virus or super-bacteria ourselves.
As you can tell by my userID, I'm a Whippet-lover...the dog breed, not the canned air or whatever...and we only vaccinate our dogs every three years now. A great many breeders/exhibitors are doing the same thing. Too many bad reactions, including siezures and death, to vaccines. And my guys (dogs) are doing just fine that way.

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


The only problem with deciding not to vaccinate kids is that you can't pick and choose based on the future. Sure, there are some vaccines that are outdated and not needed anymore (very few), but without knowing what will happen in the future if the majority of people aren't vaccinated here, what diseases will either come back or newly develop that could have been avoided if you were vaccinated, it's a blind choice.

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


I're right. I just worry about all the chemicals in our food, on our food, all the meds everyone is on, etc.
I just got back from my doctor's office; I'm having a long-term (today is my 4th day) migraine. I'm pretty sure I've brought something home with me; I always come down with something after going to the doctor or to the hospital. When a migraine lasts 4 days or longer, my doctor admits me to the hospital, and almost every time, a few days later, I'm sick with some sort of bug or something. It doesn't even surprise me any more. There are "bugs" everywhere; even my doctor and his nurse had just been sick. He had pneumonia, and she had that virus that makes an exorcism look like a walk in the park, so I'm hoping I didn't pick up anything.
Maybe I'm becoming one of those "theory conspirators" who sees plagues and Armageddon everywhere I look!! LOL Or maybe I'm a bit jaded because I catch EVERYTHING. I'll be one of the first ones to go if something like this ever happens. No vaccine for paranoia, I'm afraid. *G*

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


Awwwwwww, whippet, I hope you feel better soon! I know migraines, so I can only imagine the agony of a 4-day one. Ugh.
They say you get sick in the hospital. It's true! If your roommate has a bug, you'll get it. I'm a susceptible person, too. Good to know we'll both die by day 3 of an epidemic like this LOL.

Get better!!

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


Thank you, mullane-1! *S* Yes, migraines BLOW. I don't know how bad yours are, but have you tried the Botox treatment? It helped me for quite some time. And it's now FDA approved as a migraine treatment. BTW, for me, 4 days is quite common. The longest one was 2 weeks...without stopping for a I was hospitalized and basically kept knocked out for about 5 days. That worked on that particular migraine. And I came home from the hospital with...drum roll...a lovely staph infection.
Sorry, OP...didn't mean to hijack your thread. We migraneurs have to stick together. LOL
mullane, that's a good point...Go first and leave the rest of the world to fight the plague! LOL

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


Yes, sorry to hijack this thread!

Mine get pretty bad and at most last about 2 days nonstop, but I can have an intermittant one that lasts a week. I just deal with them on my own. Getting knocked out is a great thing! I'd say lucky you, but the reason behind it is just painstaking.

I wouldn't survive an epidemic like this, a zombie attack, Freddy, Jason, you name it. Better to go early than suffer the loss of my loved ones and be afraid. LOL

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


*further hijacking...apologies*
Ask your doctor about Topamax; it did wonders for me, but you have to watch your liver enzymes. Mine got too high, so my doctor took me off of them. The only thing I take now is Inderol, a blood-pressure med. Even though I don't have high blood pressure, it acts as a vasal constrictor, so we use it to try to prevent the migraines. Once they start, though, it seems like the only thing that will "break" the cycle is Demerol and Phenergan at home, or a hospital stay with a migraine drug that has a name so long, even the nurses just call it "that headache med" in my IV bag, Stadol, and a PCP with Demerol in it. The point is just to knock me out as deeply as possible, in a controlled setting. Please feel free to PM me if you want to so we don't have to keep hijacking the poor OP's thread. LOL We can compare notes; I also know of a new surgical procedure that might help you. I'm going to have it done in November.
Here's to pain-free days!!!

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


Well again, feel better!!! Fortunately, my migraines don't happen that often. Maybe once every month or 2 months, and not so bad that Advil doesn't help it. Lol at the nurses calling it that!!

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


You sound like a paranoid soccer mom. I feel sorry for your kids and your doctor. I hope he gets overtime for your visits.


You sound like a moron. I feel sorry for anyone who has to have any contact with you whatsoever. On the bright side, you did at least spell all your insults correctly, so you must not be a total loss as a human being.
Sorry for feeding the troll.

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


It's not so much the vaccines that create superbugs, but over-prescribing of antibiotics. They develop a resistance to the antibiotics. Also, they're kinda forcing resistance when people stop taking an antibiotic when they feel better, instead of completing the course of medication the doctor prescribed.

If parents wouldn't get so obsessive with cleanliness, the children would get fewer illnesses. The human body develops resistance to certain bugs on it's own, just from exposure to them. The anti-bacterial soaps, hand gel, kitchen and bathroom sprays, childrens toy cleaner all discourage the human body to make necessary antibodies. Yes, you can be TOO clean.

As far as vaccines go, I believe they're necessary, but we do give too many of them too soon in life. We need to modify the vaccine schedule.


Can anyone explain why Jude Law's accent was all over the place??

As a Brit living in America, I was so distracted by Jude Law's accent, which was definitely meant to be Australian. No exposition was ever presented as to his supposed connection to Australia, so what was the point of it?


He was either an investor in the company that made Forsythia or was paid directly for his 'advertising services'.


Just buy the stock or better yet call option that makes Flucsyne or watever that was?


Besides the "lab results", how do we really know that he was not indeed sick with the virus, and cured by forsythia? Is it ever confirmed by anyone other than the people trying to convict him?

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


I think the fact that he was smirking the entire time and never denied it, it's safe to assume he was never sick.

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


?? lab result will show if you have anti-body for a certain disease.

If he doesn't have it then he never got sick, plain and simple.


If he was cured by forsythia, he would not have needed to go around with the masked apparatus later. Those scenes showed that he was worried about catching the contagion.


He definitely had some sniffles when he made that webcast, and I think it was left deliberately unclear whether he thought that he actually had the disease or not. (His later walking around in the space suit is a hint that he knew he hadn't.)

It is clear that he relished his popularity, and his role as a contrarian and an establishment-provoker. It is also suggested, in his discussions with the guy who ultimately turned him in (a potential investor, I think) that he had, or wanted to get, a financial stake in the cure he was promoting or willing to promote.


If Alan Krumwiede's (Jude Law) story is correct I think the hardest thing to explain is why they were still spending money and resources trying to find a vaccine after all the talk about forsythia. I suppose a possible interpretation is that he either had something else and only thought that he had the disease, or that he had it and got well on his own. If the latter is the case the test results would have to have been a lie. Maybe the results weren't in and the investigator was only pressing him to get a confession.

The "space suit" he wears on the street also contradicts his story, but it could be that he was being overly cautious.

But the least far-fetched explanation is that he was misleading the public to get more visitors to his website. Besides, it's well-known that homeopathy is bogus.

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."


Using an herbal extract is not "homeopathy". Homeopathy is the idea that subjecting your body to ultra-microscopic amounts (nanoscopic? picoscopic? femtoscopic?) of a substance is enough to cure a disease. Some dilutions of whatever the homeopathic cure is don't even have a trace amount of the supposed cure.

Herbal extracts are *concentrated* forms of the active ingredients of the herb. The exact opposite of homeopathy. The use of herbs is anything BUT bogus, as some pharmaceutical drugs have been synthesized from herbal actives.


I think it was suppose to be a homeopathic remedy in the movie, but maybe I remember it incorrectly.

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."


well, if it was, it doesn't make any sense. Homeopathy is a treatment (regardless of your personal opinions) that stretches over a longer period of time. This treatment was being sold as 'one dose and done'.

On the suit he was wearing, i think it was to show how cautious he was. I don't know if it was public knowledge, but the virus was mutating quickly. Even if the medicine cured him, he could have been re-infected. Which, really, is what puts a big, fat hole in this entire script. The virus was mutating incredibly quickly. How could they create a vaccine/cure, based on the original virus, that would also attack the mutant strain, and probably the other four mutant strains that would follow in the amount of time it took to create enough doses for everyone? Millions of people would still die where this movie leaves off. Or did I miss something? Any virologists out there?
Still a good movie, but could have been better.
